The firstfruits
First stage
Of the first resurrection.
First stage
Of the first resurrection.
In the WHEAT harvest (Matt13), those folks are still standing [/living] on the earth at the time of "harvest" ("let both grow together until...")... They aren't "raptured" either, but ENTER the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom commencing upon Christ's "RETURN" to the earth (Rev19)... in their mortal bodies, capable of reporoducing / bearing children... (and with "the 144,000" being "firstfruit" of that "WHEAT" harvest--Again, let the readers note the TWO distinct mentions of "FIRSTFRUIT" in Lev23... with the SECOND one being associated with the "WHEAT" harvest [v.17] where it states, "TWO loaves" and "baken WITH LEAVEN"<--that AIN'T *US*[/the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY / US])
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