The Handwriting Analysis has failed!!!
I happen to be a Righty.

I know they say it's good for your brain to try to do things with your non-dominant hand once in a while, but my skills at doing so are so inept, I'm pretty sure I was only given a left hand for decoration.
I have literally hand-written hundreds, if not a thousand or more letters in my lifetime, so I get plenty of practice when it comes to writing (even though mine is still just so-so.) In fact, I even tried my hand (ha ha ha) at writing a ransom note once, when one of my bosses was keeping his favorite collection of deer heads in our back room while they were moving.
A mysterious note appeared on my boss's desk one day, stating that if he wanted them to remain safe, he needed to leave X amount of $ at X specific location in small, unmarked bills.
The writing was completely "anonymous" (done with the left hand.)
And yet, somehow, EVERYONE knew it was me.

I have no idea how they could have known.