Actually, the founder of CC doesn't even live in North America. And the constant posts by Americans assuming America is all that counts when it comes to end times are what bother me, not Americans, or even the US itself. That is what I was referring to in my last post.
However, I did find one almost Canadian thread in the Singles Forum. Yep, it was talking about cold weather and how we have cornered the market on it! not exactly a thrilling revelation, but it was funny.
Besides, I owe it to Americans to explain to them that America is not the centre of the universe. I lived in the US for two years growing up and went to school there! That was a long time ago, but the attitude was exactly the same, except for a few very wise people. Americans are taught nothing about the world outside their borders, except to be threatened by it. They are not exposed to other cultures, which is very ethno-centric. In Canada, we have about 8 American TV channels as basic, and many more than can be watched. We watch American ads, read American magazines, and American Internet floods the Ethernet. We get a bit of exposure to British documentaries, but not much else.
I have quite a few Aussie Internet friends, and they are teaching me about that part of the world, which I have never been exposed to. I hope Americans and others will wake up and realize that there is more than one country in God's world! And how will they know if no one tells them!!?? LOL