Yes whosever believes is saved .
- a lost man believes the gospel and is saved
we've got X ≠ X -- the lost becomes found! Adam is taken from the ground where he was made and placed in the garden - why not created in the garden? why not walk there himself? how far away was he made? why did he have to be placed?
how does X become 'not X' ?
there's some function applied G(X) = Y, and we're not talking about X anymore, we're talking about Y
X, by Theorem John 3:18, is condemned. not saved. by definition, because X does not believe
it is Y, who believes, that is saved.
X is the preimage of Y, and G transforms X, mapping it to Y

if Y believes, X is no more -- Y is a new creation, effected by G
so what is G?
how does G act on X?
does G originate with X?
is G 1:1? is G onto? does an inverse G' exist?
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