I just watched the last word on msnbc and the very night that Trump asked Russia to find Clintons missing emails they hacked the DNC servers and the grand jury has 12 inditments against 12 russian spies since yesterday. It's called watergate part 2 they couldn't get Nixon because he new the truth about the Bay of Pigs, the JFK assasination, kissinger and Viet Nam. Hunt made a deathbed confession. But Trump's a Dumbbell. Is he really going to take Putin's word over the FBI, CIA and NSA? Or is he Putin's puppet?
Is thhat enough proof?
Is thhat enough proof?
Actually, Putin has already overthrown the legitimate government of America by helping to elect Trump as president.
Without the help of the Russians, Hillary would have won the election.
So Trump is Putin's government. Putin's man in the white house. Trump is working for Putin. Putting Putin's ideas in the American mind.
America was great, until Trump.
The GOP leadership and Trump,
Making America like Russia.
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