There is no prophesy of a future, 3rd earthly temple. This is a spiritual concept that seems to be lacking, we the collective Church, are the new temple where Christ dwells. See John 2:12, 1 Cor 6:19.
As I understand it, everywhere that Paul spoke of "the Church which is His body"/us
as "temple," there is
no definite article ("the") with it (in the Greek). See your verse here:
Whereas, in both
2Th2:4 and
Rev11:1's phrases, there
is the definite article: "
the temple of God"... and in the latter of these two, the phrasing of the verse makes clear that "
the temple of God" and
[with other words separating between]
"them that worship THEREIN" are completely distinct entities.
[Additionally, I believe the "24 elders" on "24 thrones" represent "the Church which is His body" in Heaven
before the first SEAL is opened/
before the START of the 7-yrs that lead UP TO His Second Coming
to the earth; and
after a "searching-judgment" has taken place; IOW, "the Church which is His body" will
not be present on the earth DURING that future, specific, limited time-period]
I have another related post I could add here, if further discussion on this point about "
the temple" versus "temple" takes off.

(highly doubtful, I know
