I was not born in a Christian home, and I accepted Christ later in life. I gave up my past criminal ways and wanted to learn what was the will of God. I threw away my old ways of thinking and dedicated myself to study and learning.
After many years I have concluded that most American Christian are not real Christians.
They fall into 2 camps. The Liberal progressive side and the Conservative side, both are lost and condemned.
The liberal side is easy understand, they don’t follow what the bible says, and they do their own thing, and accept immoral behavior as normal. They think all are saved. When they are really not.
The conservative right side seems like the correct choice but it’s another farce.
They don’t follow what the bible says, they try to be moral but are Self-righteous, and they think they are saved but are not because they are evil.
There are plenty of good material out there talking about how liberalism is bad but hardly anyone talks about the farce of conservative Christendom
For one thing it has a strong idolatry toward Country. (USA),
And they really are full of hate racism and self-righteousness They ARE the modern Pharisees.
Question 1: There is this guy who is persecuting Christian men women and children and wants to make it illegal to be a Christian, with a penalty of death.
Do you A: Kill him
Or B: Forgive him.
That was Saul. Saul was a great sinner but he obtained mercy because God came to save the world.
There are people who want to stone the adulterous women, and don’t understand mercy or forgiveness.
Question 2:
There is an castrated black guy who does not understand the bible.
Do you A: insult him and call him names.
Or do you B: explain the gospel to him and baptize him?
All I mainly see are auto proclaimed Christians making fun of liberals and throwing insults instead of giving the gospel.
Real Christians do need violence, or insults, they found the love of God that calls sinners to forgiveness and righteousness.
America was created by masonic people. The founding fathers of America mentioned God, but it was never the real God, they killed people, schemed, and convinced the people to revolt. And the masoned funded them.
They allowed slavery to happen and killed native American people.
America was funded on blood violence and masonry.
People condemn the Aztecs for sacrifices and war when America is just as evil.
“You Sound like a liberal”
No, I am someone who actually studied history. How much blood has America shed?
Ronald Reagan, was the real drug supplier.
You guys hate George Soros, but then accept whatever the Rockefellers and Rothchilds tell you.
All I have to do is read the comment of you people to see that there is nothing of God inside of you.
All racist Christians complaining about the war on Christian white people, and turn a blind eye to the suffering people who are not white.
Then the racist Christians talk about how they have a better culture and are more evolved when they watch a lot of porn on the internet and are no better that the people they speak ill of.
If someone did something evil to me I would forgive them. I will the turn the other Cheek.
If someone harmed my family I would pray for them.
Paul did not go around trying to force the laws to change. He went preaching the gospel.
And when I saw how the Christian fell and worshiped Trump I knew that they were in darkness.
You think I am scared of an illegal with a giant MS13 tattoo on his face? I will preach the gospel to him.
Do you think I hate some black person selling drugs? I will preach the gospel to him.
Do you think I will insult some green haired lesbian? I will show her the gospel.
Do you think I care if some Muslim wants to harm me? I will show him that I have the love of God.
God came to save the sinners and will punish the world.
Do you think the biggest problem is welfare?
I am done with the Red pill way of thinking, and I will never go liberal.
Those are just anti biblical ways of thinking.
I came to warn you that you don’t truly repent you will end up like the self-righteous pharisees who thought they were better than everyone else and ended up opposing God and will be denied entry to the kingdom of heaven.
After many years I have concluded that most American Christian are not real Christians.
They fall into 2 camps. The Liberal progressive side and the Conservative side, both are lost and condemned.
The liberal side is easy understand, they don’t follow what the bible says, and they do their own thing, and accept immoral behavior as normal. They think all are saved. When they are really not.
The conservative right side seems like the correct choice but it’s another farce.
They don’t follow what the bible says, they try to be moral but are Self-righteous, and they think they are saved but are not because they are evil.
There are plenty of good material out there talking about how liberalism is bad but hardly anyone talks about the farce of conservative Christendom
For one thing it has a strong idolatry toward Country. (USA),
And they really are full of hate racism and self-righteousness They ARE the modern Pharisees.
Question 1: There is this guy who is persecuting Christian men women and children and wants to make it illegal to be a Christian, with a penalty of death.
Do you A: Kill him
Or B: Forgive him.
That was Saul. Saul was a great sinner but he obtained mercy because God came to save the world.
There are people who want to stone the adulterous women, and don’t understand mercy or forgiveness.
Question 2:
There is an castrated black guy who does not understand the bible.
Do you A: insult him and call him names.
Or do you B: explain the gospel to him and baptize him?
All I mainly see are auto proclaimed Christians making fun of liberals and throwing insults instead of giving the gospel.
Real Christians do need violence, or insults, they found the love of God that calls sinners to forgiveness and righteousness.
America was created by masonic people. The founding fathers of America mentioned God, but it was never the real God, they killed people, schemed, and convinced the people to revolt. And the masoned funded them.
They allowed slavery to happen and killed native American people.
America was funded on blood violence and masonry.
People condemn the Aztecs for sacrifices and war when America is just as evil.
“You Sound like a liberal”
No, I am someone who actually studied history. How much blood has America shed?
Ronald Reagan, was the real drug supplier.
You guys hate George Soros, but then accept whatever the Rockefellers and Rothchilds tell you.
All I have to do is read the comment of you people to see that there is nothing of God inside of you.
All racist Christians complaining about the war on Christian white people, and turn a blind eye to the suffering people who are not white.
Then the racist Christians talk about how they have a better culture and are more evolved when they watch a lot of porn on the internet and are no better that the people they speak ill of.
If someone did something evil to me I would forgive them. I will the turn the other Cheek.
If someone harmed my family I would pray for them.
Paul did not go around trying to force the laws to change. He went preaching the gospel.
And when I saw how the Christian fell and worshiped Trump I knew that they were in darkness.
You think I am scared of an illegal with a giant MS13 tattoo on his face? I will preach the gospel to him.
Do you think I hate some black person selling drugs? I will preach the gospel to him.
Do you think I will insult some green haired lesbian? I will show her the gospel.
Do you think I care if some Muslim wants to harm me? I will show him that I have the love of God.
God came to save the sinners and will punish the world.
Do you think the biggest problem is welfare?
I am done with the Red pill way of thinking, and I will never go liberal.
Those are just anti biblical ways of thinking.
I came to warn you that you don’t truly repent you will end up like the self-righteous pharisees who thought they were better than everyone else and ended up opposing God and will be denied entry to the kingdom of heaven.
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