No that first sentence said by the serpent is a lie. It's very subtle though indeed the First Lie ever told. He asks a crooked question very subtly setting her up implying that God said she could eat any of the trees.. Eve did not lie at this point because she was created very good. Eve actually answered correctly, she answers the question rightly by saying that God said they could eat any of the trees, except for that tree, and that God even told them the truth that they would die if they did, which is the essence of what God said and also what actually happened to them for eating it!
Why you call it a lie is perplexing, while you call Eve's answer honest, when she added to what we know God said to Adam.
Though the woman didn't fall for the First Lie outright, it's very subtle, the Devil trapped her spiritually setting her up in the First Lie and he weaves it together with the other two. When she answers correctly the old serpent immediately springs and strikes and casts the other two by telling her that she will not die if she eats the fruit, and then he immediately hits her with the third lie, that God doesn't want them to eat the fruit because by eating she will become like God.
The lie Satan told is that they would not die. Your inability to understand and stick with Scripture is concerning.
Perhaps you should read Genesis 3:4 again. Satan telling them their eyes would be opened and be like God to know
good and evil is exactly what happens, and God says the very same thing in Genesis 3:22, so it cannot be a lie.
The lie Satan told is simple. "You will not surely die." It is being repeated to this day.
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