Setting aside the debates here, so one may to speak to the scripture itself.
The one thing I noticed is that it does not speak to being offended, that being self offended.
This is important, as I was chastised myself by God on this, learning that when I am offended, it is because of self.
For when one lives in Jesus, there is no offence, for any offence given, is against God, not self.
May we keep this in mind always, if one is offended, then they look to self, their own pride, rather than all being done in God's will, for His glory!
As to persicution, may we remember that our battles are against the powers of darkness, not each other.
I have seen many who hate, reject, or are predjudiced against a believer, not even knowing why.
They do so because they do not live in Jesus, so they are used by the thief to persicute.
One has friends turn against them, without reason, they not knowing why. they simply see foolishness, or disagree, unable to see the truth, and seeing christians as backward, haters, lacking enlightenment.
The rightousness of God is seen now by the world as wrong, and many are now being called criminal for their beliefs.
These are the subtle and more dangerous attacks, for the enemy uses the unsaved to do His bidding, and they have no idea of the destrution they support, and the loss of salvation being brought in them.
There are the more obvious attacks, to the body, the lives, the churches, these are seen easly, yet also one of the many things satan does to try to take ones life.
Yet we do not fear or faulter, for as Jesus said...
" be not afraid, for he who seeks your life also seeks my life, but take courage, I have overcome the world!"
No matter the attacks, we find comfort and streangth in Jesus's words, for as long as we seek salvation in Jesus, live in His Spirit, the world has no hold on us.
As spoken to in the begining of this post, what offence is there, when one is in Jesus, for all is flesh and the world.
We in Jesus have overcome the world, because He has overcome the world for us!
May we always remember as well, our battles are not against each other, but the powers of evil, and Jesus has already won this battle for us!
In Jesus, God bless