I agree with this. But God does this via the word, the gospel, that which saves people from their sins. No one is zapped and then later on they come to faith and repentance. As the gospel is being brought to the lost, God moves through it(the gospel) to bring them to saving faith in Christ.
Repentance and faith happen simultaneously, and this is done through the word of God as it is being used.
Repentance and faith happen simultaneously, and this is done through the word of God as it is being used.
Quick = zaō which means life-giving, having vital power in itself and exerting the same upon the soul.
It is the Word of God which gives life to the hearer.
However, if the hearer rejects the Word of God, that person does not receive the benefit of that life-giving Word.
And that does not mean the Word of God is not life-giving. It just means the hearer will reap the consequences of his or her unbelief.
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