Funny enough you lay out almost perfectly why there is not freewill. The presence of outer influence means no freewill. The sum of consequences means no freewill. God holding anyone accountable means they don't have freewill. It does however mean there is one will, which is God's will, thank God therefore for both his mercy and his swift execution of justice, God's will be done forever and ever!
Here they go trying to claim that their sins put them on the same level as God. That's like exactly how the serpent beguiled the woman.
God asked man "did you eat from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" Man says "the woman gave it to me, and I did eat."
Is this a lie or the truth?
God then asked woman "why did you do this?" Woman says "the serpent beguiled me and I did eat."
Is this a lie or the truth?
God curses the serpent saying "because you did this..."
So it is that man and woman told God the truth and the narrative of the verses immediately before proves it but that the serpent he is the one that did lie and is the father of lies. He told her she has freewill to eat any of the trees, he told her she won't die, and he told her that by sinning she would become like God. None of what the serpent said came to pass because it was all a lie.
2 Peter 2:19
19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
Here they go trying to claim that their sins put them on the same level as God. That's like exactly how the serpent beguiled the woman.
God asked man "did you eat from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" Man says "the woman gave it to me, and I did eat."
Is this a lie or the truth?
God then asked woman "why did you do this?" Woman says "the serpent beguiled me and I did eat."
Is this a lie or the truth?
God curses the serpent saying "because you did this..."
So it is that man and woman told God the truth and the narrative of the verses immediately before proves it but that the serpent he is the one that did lie and is the father of lies. He told her she has freewill to eat any of the trees, he told her she won't die, and he told her that by sinning she would become like God. None of what the serpent said came to pass because it was all a lie.
2 Peter 2:19
19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
Deteronomy 30:
11“For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off." (Read the whole chapter for context).
God stated that Israel could obey God's law - if they chose to. The problem is not with the Law. The problem is that there is no desire to obey God in the heart of fallen man. If man had no free will, then God would be unjust to hold him accountable. Who takes a lion to court for attacking a gazelle? It is doing what lions do. Even the fallen world knows that man is responsible for his actions, much as many try to wriggle out of that truth.