Yes we believe God loves His elect unconditionally. And He doesn't save those whom He chose to leave in their sins. And yes we are no better than those whom He left in their sin.
I used to have a problem with Gods sovereignty and His right to choose to save some and not others, but God showed me that it's none of my business to judge the things He does. I came to believe that Gods ways are as high as the heavens are above mine, so I realized how ludicrous it was to judge God.
And you speak of romans 9, Your issue begins there, You have a fatalistic view, not a sovereign view of God has been in control since the begining, and he keeps his promises to all people. Even Israel (chapters 9 - 11) this no one should question why he does things, or his love.
I was trying to make God adhere to my expectation and standards, I didn't want to believe in a different God to the one I created in my own mind. I was satisfied with that one and I didn't want to replace him with the true God, because I thought the true God was unfair and harsh.
Thats not Who God claims to be.
It wasn't until I allowed God to be God and to get off His throne, that I found peace and acceptance of all things exactly as they are. We believe God has a good purpose in everything He does, even if it appears to be evil in our eyes. I can't give this truth to anyone, only God can liberate a person from slavery to false beliefs.
if you have peace with God sending millions maybe billions to hell. and never gave them a chance to be saved. You have some serious issues my friend.
That would be like me having 10 kids, and even though non of them deserved my love, because they were all disobedient to me, I chose to save 3 of them and keep them in my house and serve them, and gave them the ability to do my will, while the other 7 I chose to kick out of my house and let them live in hell. because I never gave them the ability to do what is needed to have any kind of peaceful life or do my will, which would have saved them.
you can have that God, I want nothing to do with him,, That feeds right into Satans lie of who he is A God who is not loving, but treats his creation as robots havibng us all on a lease and forcing us to do his will.
I can only share what God has revealed to me, but I can't convince anyone to agree because God only reveals this to people at His predetermined and appointed time.
News flash, I do not need any help. Thank you, I found God, and he has revealed his true love to me, And his true grace and his true mercy for those who according to his will believe in his name.
I trust and love God in everything He does, I pray for the conversion of my family members but I must be prepared for the worst case scenario. They may all end up in the lake of fire and I must still love god with everything I have, He loves me unconditionally so I must trust and love Him unconditionally.
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