Imagine a person sitting down to two meals.
One meal is gone off food, rotten eggs, putrid drinks.
The other meal is clean vegetables, nice flavoured meats, good water and deserts.
Why would someone who has tasted the good meal return to the other and say they
are the same or the first has value over the second?
Why would the person who insists the first meal is better than the second be taken
seriously as anyone of value?
Only someone who has never tasted the second meal, and thinks there is no difference
and both are polluted, so why differentiate. Only the elect will know different, but only
the elect matter, because this is the Kingdom of Heaven. By their fruit will you know them.
One meal is gone off food, rotten eggs, putrid drinks.
The other meal is clean vegetables, nice flavoured meats, good water and deserts.
Why would someone who has tasted the good meal return to the other and say they
are the same or the first has value over the second?
Why would the person who insists the first meal is better than the second be taken
seriously as anyone of value?
Only someone who has never tasted the second meal, and thinks there is no difference
and both are polluted, so why differentiate. Only the elect will know different, but only
the elect matter, because this is the Kingdom of Heaven. By their fruit will you know them.