(haven't read much of this thread at all. jez started with the OP, then to the last page, and back tracked to here...

I'll give it a shot!
Jesus' "Gospel" was to the Jews, concerning being "born again of the Spirit", and inheriting the Kingdom of God. To
which the Jews had
direct access TO! But, there was one "catch!"
They didn't
BELIEVE Jesus when He told them that He was
from the Father. They didn't
believe that God had
sent him! Had they believed, and got back on track? They would have
still had "direct access" to the Father, in and continued onward in their "inheriting", the Kingdom of God, and Kingdom of Heaven.
Leaving us poor gentiles to our fates!
Paul's "Gospel" for us gentiles, was as "Jesus
as "mediator TO His Father!" A "thing" the Jews didn't
require at that time! And STILL don't! And WON'T!
Why? You ask?
Because STILL, at this present time? They STILL don't believe that Jesus was SENT from the Father!
There is NOTHING "Christendom" has accomplished in 2,000 PLUS years, that is giving them cause to scratch their heads and say amongst themselves, "Wow!" "We have to consider that this Jesus of Nazareth, was who he said He was!" "SENT by OUR God!" "Maybe we should "change our ways", and LISTEN to what He was trying to "teach" us!"
So, as long as "christians" keep BOASTING "against the branches", just as Israel was BOASTING "against the ROOT?"
More then likely,
BOTH shall be
"cut off!"
I believe there's LOT TO be considered concerning what "Fullness of the Gentiles" truly entails!
hint: It means MUCH more then "saved by grace through faith."