Is this your get out clause to the questions mentioned in my previous posts?. It appears to me that what helps people to overcome their issues (be it what they are) is God's Holy Spirit?.
But here's something interesting, many religious organizations and the people believe in the existence of the Abrahamic God and all claim they have His Holy Spirit to guide them, so all i really need to do is choose which religious organization i want to be a part of?
Allahu Akbar
There is a theme you are missing. This theme is the one of revenge or love. Many hurt us in our lives, cause failure, so we defend ourselves and build a wall. We then deal with people at a distance, and hide and repress the love we have. This makes us hard hearted, unable to empathise.
Jesus came to break open this lie, to say love can conquer all, that no evil or bitterness need defeat anyone, because the Lord the creator is there to reach out and help them, not be removing evil, but by putting it into perspective. Judgement will come, things will be set to right, so the right heart and attitude do matter, things will go as the Lord intends.
Now the question is simply do you side with Jesus or the world? Do you want love and resolution, or bitterness and revenge that will lead to death and judgment? It is like saying, do you want to pick a fight you will never win, or accept you have lost today, and win the battle that will never fail into eternity.