This video is making the rounds on many Christian forums of late as it proposes a quandary as to the Omni-powers of God and the part humans play in the faith paradigm.
Admittedly the audio is a bit much to take. That is the edited version I sought out as the longer near 11 minute one is the one making the rounds.
How do we respond to those points? The paradigm an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, God set forth being he has foreknowledge, has predestined the world and our lives before the foundation of the world, and all per scripture. How Satan cannot act without God's permission, and how Jesus, knowing his destiny was to die for the worlds sins, could not have then made what would be defined as a sacrifice of himself.
All gleaned from the video but if you can make it through see what you think.
I'll admit this atheist production, yes, I know, "well they're atheists. There's your answer right there!" , but it isn't that simple. This rationalizes the Biblical points to arrive at what for me is a real curiosity about faith and reason.
Thank you for your patience if you do watch this. And sincere heart felt educated replies are requested. This is not meant to hurt anyone's feelings. It is posted to help me overcome my own confusion being a new seeker of the Way.
Thank you for reading.
My first point to you would be, that
as a new believer, you have no business trafficking with anti-Christian propaganda.
Your only job is to become grounded in the word of God.
You have to choose who you are going to believe, the word of God or the word of man.
If you don't know which is which, then you need to pray fervently to God to show you.
Secondly, I'll start with Jesus not making a sacrifice of himself.
Before all things existed, the Son and the Father purposed the redemption of men by the Son.
In time, the Son
came to die as propitiation for men as determined in eternity past according to their plan.
And thirdly, those to whom God has given the gift of faith (Php 1:29; 2Pe 1:1; Ac 18:27) see and
understand things which anti-theists deny because their unregenerate human reasoning
does not agree that God is the all-worthy center of the Universe, for whose purpose and
pleasure all things exist.
They are foolish enough to think they have a say in the matter, and seek to call God to the bar
of their reason to give an account of himself. . .or he can be God no longer.
Their real issue is not the logic or truth of Scripture,
their real issue is refusal to believe in and submit to God and to the truth he has revealed.
You cannot begin to overcome their unbelief with logic, reasoning or sound explanations.
The only power that will overcome their unbelief is the convicting work of the Holy Spirit.
Don't burden yourself with the task of trying to change their minds.
Only the Holy Spirit can do that.
If you want to do something for them, then pray for them.