When you say: If you truly love Christ and His ways, why would you not obey? - this, to me, is similar to saying: if they loved God in the OT times, why did they not just obey Him and walk in His ways and laws? Why couldn't they just obey and then all would have gone well for them? They tried REALLY hard to obey each and every law. And the ones who tried hardest and did the best job of most exactness and care were the ones He most severely chastised! They were the ones trying the hardest to walk in His ways and laws! So why did they get chastised if they were the ones putting the most effort in??
Here we have layers within layers. Those who truly sought God and walked in His ways
did find Him. But Israel as a whole cared very little for God except at times of crisis and
when the leadership was right.
I read an argument that it took till the pharisees to truly fulfill the expectations of the law
and its promise, except even then they missed the heart of love and truth.
So I get the impression a few saw God plainly, but Gods heart remained hidden to most.
Jesus and the cross changed this, and made love and God very accessible, profound and
in your face. So actually walking with God and in His ways requires truly seeing God and
being in love with Him, so it is an outflow of ones heart.
So here is the dilemma. When you learn to love God, or fall in love with Him which is the
walk, then you obey because that is who you have become. But finding this place is a
walk in itself, a discovery of who we are and who God is, where we are in our lives, what
our goals and focus is. Now that is a lot that shifts slowly over time, often without us
realising it.
And without Christ, bringing Gods heart to earth so personally, we would not really see or
know our King. Listen to the songs of praise and love we sing now that move our hearts,
that touch us deep in our souls. This was not what you see often coming out of the
intimacy of the old covenant, though it is there, but more as a shadow.
This is more like heaven on earth. In the 70's I went to a big charismatic meeting when
singing in the spirit was new. The whole congregation lifted in something that sounded
like angels praising the Lord. This is the power of the Holy Spirit revealed, when people
just submit and let Him speak. But as with so many blessings, hearts grow cold, expectations
dim, sin creeps in and divisions ensue. But this is a taste of what can be if as a body we
set alight the flame of the Spirit in our midst, and let Him move and work.