You already know that he does not call abiding a work of the law, or works in the same way you view works. He views abiding as the only way for a branch to remain alive. So I don't understand why you keep asking him the same question when he does not view abiding as filthy rags. I don't get it...
What does the works of the law have to do with anything, I never asked about them, I asked 2 plain simple questions.
And i never asked about abiding, I asked about a person who stops doing works..
When I say works, I mean any work, A work is something you do, a work of righteousness would be a good deed something that God would do (serving others) ..A work of evil would be a bad work, something you do for self (carnal)
Why is it so hard for him to answer?
and why do I keep asking?
1. He keeps saying we slander him
2. People like you keep saying we misrepresent him
3. People say we believe the same, just word it different.
My goal is to get rid of the confusion and set things straight, It will not happen UNTIL HE ANSWERS and explains WHY..