Well, what you are presenting is "another gospel", which is very dangerous. It can lead to damnation (see Gal 1:6-9). So at sometime I hope, for your sake, you are moved. God is patient.
Again, God's law demands two things:
1] Obey & live
2] Disobey & die
Since all have sinned and come short of God's love expressed in the moral law, all stand guilty when they reach the age of accountability. To remain under law means death.
The good news (gospel) is that Christ, as God, assumed our life from Adam and in that fallen life (as the son of man) answered the demands of His Father's law.
Hence "in Christ" you, by faith, can say that "in Him" you were legally made obedient and "in Christ" your old life from Adam died to the demand's of its justice.
Now, if Christ assumed your life before the fall (which didn't need saving), the law has not been satisfied and there's no gospel to save you, legally, from under law. That means with respect to your gospel you are still under law and in the end there's no good news, just eternal damnation.
So I think you better be moved and come around to the gospel Paul preaches.