While the Bible is known to make gigantic leaps in time without specific details. It seems at first sight Abraham was born about 2000 years after Adam. This would show us a young creation according to our Bible.
Yet science had me almost convinced our earth is billions of years old. But knowing they lie and mock anyone raising serious questions I denounced science when it comes to our origins. I was really devoted in my studies but all I found was slander, corruptions, half truths to sell a full lie...
Yet my own mind raised a serious question last night: If our God is infinite, why would He only start creating roughly 6000 to 10000 years ago?
Maybe I should rewatch my beliefs on this and only see human life as a young creation? Any insight in this is very welcomed.
Yet science had me almost convinced our earth is billions of years old. But knowing they lie and mock anyone raising serious questions I denounced science when it comes to our origins. I was really devoted in my studies but all I found was slander, corruptions, half truths to sell a full lie...
Yet my own mind raised a serious question last night: If our God is infinite, why would He only start creating roughly 6000 to 10000 years ago?
Maybe I should rewatch my beliefs on this and only see human life as a young creation? Any insight in this is very welcomed.
Your instincts are really good! They absolutely do mock our Creator. Science is a sham. They lie on their studies. They lie to get more funding. Anyone that just believes them at face value is an imbecile.
Now to answer your question, maybe think about it this way...
Our God is infinite. He exists outside of the time dimension. So if that's the case, then what's the difference if He created this world 8000 years ago or 4 billion years ago? It's the same. It's no different because when he made our world, he also made time itself. He made the rules of space and time. He made gravity. And guess what? He's probably the only one that actually understands quantum physics!
I'd suggest to reread the last part of the book of Job. God lays the smack down and some of what He said there might speak to some of the questions you're posing.
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