"selahsays, post: I agree especially since Jacob himself admits to being diagnosed with possible schizophrenia and/or a high-functioning autism.
just last night i picked up on a rythmn you had going by the similar answer you provided to many questions. and i even said it reminded me of AI.
Brother Jacob,
I don't see what your Rabbi said as being impossible. And it only means you are that much more uniquely made by God. but my life, work, even things i get caught up doing, all involve unique people like yourself. i would bet you once you get something in your mind as absolute, it will take something spectacular for that idea to be changed. And i think and believe this is well demonstrated throughout this Thread.
i have worked with great minds that belonged to people in the fields of Science, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Metallurgy, etc. All super focused and the best at their positions. but when i merged them together to work with a 90 degree Right Angle of the Sine Side of the Triangle. some struggled because it merged the mathematical formulas they were used to and combined them with mathematical formulas that now included sine, cosine, tangent, compound fractures, based off the Right Angle the 90 degree Triangle. none of them arrived at the same hypothesis when they did their mathematics.
and it's not because you cannot introduce new mathematical formula, usage of timing and degree and compounded angles all based off one origin point. it's because how the minds of each member was structured. we got there and they finally agreed because when done correctly, Mathematics, is as truthful as it gets. and they were never opposed to merging formulas to begin with. they just did not know where to start at in the process of solving the formula. that is what i found interesting. and maybe in your thinking that Jesus is not God, it's more of a matter, of where to start in the process of proving He is God?