Nah, I'm not about bashing anyone really... I do however, like to be informed about who i watch & what they preach... I tend to sift out the garbage and keep the good as the Holy Spirit leads me. If, however I see preaching that does not acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior and the existence of a place called HELL then I tend to reject that preacher. I enjoyed Joyce because she spoke to my history... this definitely did not mean i agreed with everything she preached and eventually felt lead by the Holy Spirit to stop partaking in her program when it became more about her books and less about the flock. I think its important when someone brings an issue about our belief to task that we look at it and seriously reflect. I used to be a only NIV reader... when my brotherinlaw brought to me concerns about this translation I noticed that the differences were HUGE in some situations... ie Jesus' instruction on how to pray... My first instict was one of pride, to defend my NIV but instead i pressed on and looked into it and SAW the truth. I still read my NIV because I truly do like this translation but defer to KJV to clarify. We need to be open to receive the truth in love. Its easy to give the truth in love but not so easy to receive it as good ole pride gets in the way... Anyhow, I liked that website not just because of the Joel portion. There is alot to it and its good to read and reflect. I also happen to think that these public preachers are under intense scrutiny and every single word or lack of the right word can easily be twisted for whatever purpose... Boy I would sure hate to live life like that, If i did though, i'd wanna make sure I got it ABSOLUTELY right on KEY points like Jesus being the only way... thats a BIGGIE!!! If anyone asked little ole me uneducated in the clergy if a muslim could go to heaven I would answer only if he'd received Jesus as lord and savior, repented of his sin and been born again. pretty basic stuff if u ask me.