Because this sin is the one being forced down our throats, taught to children in schools and if you merely respectfully disagree you're labeled a homophobe and hateful.
Homosexials have created a lot of enemies, not by being homosexual but by their aggressive agenda.
Leviticus 18:22 refers to homosexuality as an abomination. What exactly is an abomination? According to it means this...
something regarded with disgust or hatred
Perhaps Jesus didn't need to elaborate further when God made his opinion on the matter quite clear.
Homosexials have created a lot of enemies, not by being homosexual but by their aggressive agenda.
Leviticus 18:22 refers to homosexuality as an abomination. What exactly is an abomination? According to it means this...
something regarded with disgust or hatred
Perhaps Jesus didn't need to elaborate further when God made his opinion on the matter quite clear.
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