Still struggling with this one. Especially when you consider that there were councils of men that decided which words would go into the Bible and also when you consider the various language translations.
it is a very interesting statement. We can say that about any writing of Scriptures. Why is it only an issue when it has something to do with what OUR Flesh wants to do? when The Bible is clearly against ?. If a Christian doesn't believe the Bible to be the " Word of God" Written by man as God gave them the Inspiration to do so; another words God is the Author man was the vessel or instrument to write it.
So I guess if questioning of the Word of God and His Word can be dismissed because a man wrote it then we have TO GO BY WHAT IS SEEN. Take God out of it and use ones own understanding. Where in all of the historical data or scientific Evidence has marriage been anything other than between one man and one women normatively? Where in Science is proof of the ability for two of the same sex producing something in the context of life? other than frogs? Where is the Historical proof of this sexual preference producing a better life for them when it is clearly against the NOrmality of Science, and Historical data?.
In ever culture regardless language life for man and women come from the coming together of one of each sex Period. That has not changed and to bring GOd back into the topic sorry

I would say just as HIS word says it is to be. Found in the Book of Beginnings Gen 2:24.
God word is true and a truth is true even if God used a man to write it. The Proof can be clearly seen as stated in the bible by faith, History, and science. Rom 1 Paul writing as the Spirit of God helped him says verse 20 From the time the world was created people the earth and sky all that God had made. They can clearly see HIS invisible qualities, His Eternal power and Divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not KNOWING God. NLT