I can't say that Bible led me to Jesus, because it was usually friends and family that initially lead people to Him, then music and sermons. And when you listen to music and sermons, you get all these different ideas of Jesus. That's because we all have our own deeply rooted views and values - including all of these above that I listed and you LOLed at. Most people tend to read the bible through the lens of these views and values instead of re-examining their views and values through the lens of the bible. In other words, they're trying to fit God into the box they've built, even though God was out of the box which He personally instructed Moses to build. With a closed mind, you always look for affirmation when you think you are looking for information. Therefore, these versions of Jesus are developed as a marketing strategy to cater to different audiences.
so your saying people distort what’s in the Bible but preach it as if it’s in the Bible and that creates a different Jesus that appeals to peoples itching ears ?
like through music and personal
Opinion ect ?
I think I understand what you were saying now if that’s basically it , makes sense now what you were saying. And agree that’s an issue
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