And thank you for your easy going nature and your kind words.
I tell you, my skin has toughened quite a lot since I started visiting forums, and if you look back over all my posts -- too much of a chore for sure -- you will find a few places where I got a little short. I always regret these lapses, but I suppose we all have them from time to time.
Which is exactly why "I" need a loving Merciful Savior, for I wish not to harm or be harmed. Therefore I seek understanding that you are calling knowledge. Understanding this:
Seeing the fly paper hanging in the air, seeking how not to get stuck, and hearing in me how not to get stuck in being:
A person better than others, viewing us all the same, not one better than the other.
This is why I hate religion, it one ups others, putting others ahead of others using God as the Catalyst, saying see me and others give others agreement pats on the back and one's self is satisfied, thinking this is God doing this righteousness through them, when in truth they already got their reward, and are self centered, self righteous, which; those he did not come to save.
He came to get us to see to love all equally, what this Country was built on, that's it, too simple, but, apparently people just are not satisfied, we cry for bread, and scream after we get the bread, "Where's the butter"
When we can just be friends, and let it be, at least for me this is what it is, I see to let it be, free choice to all, and for me to just trust the Creator of all, known to me as Christ's Father and now mine as well, thanks to Christ,
I have the peace that passes all understanding peace and quietness, and that's it folks, love to all