"...will God bring WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him" is NOT saying He will bring with Jesus the SOULS/SPIRITS of the previously-deceased saints ('dead in Christ') SO THAT they can get their new immortal bodies. No. (Sure, they'll do that, but THIS isn't referring to such!!)
I don't have a clue as to what you're talking about, but that's exactly what I'm talking about.
What in the world do you think "pretrib rapture" means then?
I wasn't speaking to that specifically, but to the phrase
"shall God bring WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him"... but, you see, the MEANS by which this "G4862 UNIONed-with" Him occurs, is via "our Rapture" ("
SO [/IN THIS WAY] shall..."

NOT PRIOR TO THAT POINT! [as in, while they're still in their "souls/spirits" presently, or even at the point when "He shall DESCEND," and they're yet in their "souls/spirits" till they "shall rise [be resurrected ('to stand again [on the earth]')] first" and then we're "caught up together / at the same time" in our glorified bodies.
The key words in that 1Th4:14 verse are:
"WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with]" (
which happens BY MEANS of "our Rapture" event, NOT PRIOR TO it!)... and
"ALSO" ("we-still-alive-ones"
are NOT the ONLY ones "God will bring
UNIONed-with Jesus" when Jesus "RETURNS"
to the earth [at Rev19--not the RAPTURE], they ["who sleep through Jesus" / the DEAD IN Christ]
will "*ALSO*" participate in that! (and this is "HOW," Paul explains); See the Grk wording of this 1Th4:14 verse.
this verse is NOT speaking of the point in time when Christ brings
their "souls/spirits" to reunite with their now-glorified bodies...
this verse (with its wording) is not referencing
that point in time; verses 15-17 DOES refer to "our Rapture" point in time (which
precedes the other, and is
the MEANS by which the OTHER
can/does/will occur);
"G4862 UNIONed-with" does not occur PRIOR TO the "caught up" moment<--This is KEY.