In the bible it says that everyone will one day bow down to the Lord and acknowledge Him therefore there will be no atheist thrown in the lake of fire because at that point they will believe in the existence of God. In my view the atheist ends up with God.
So why should we live our lives believing in God, getting baptized, inviting others to become a part of God, obeying the 10 Commandments, etc...if we can be murderers, rapists, atheists, everything that opposes God (Satan worshipers) if we all end up in heaven?
Seems that I am wasting my time obeying Christ if I am going to get the same result.
This makes God, the prophets, anyone who spoke about hell all liars by claiming hell is real (gnashing of teeth/worm dieth not) - the mouth of hell growing larger daily - the rich man/Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom...because it claims hell will be cast into the Lake of Fire. And if sinners are in hell, they get tossed into the Lake of Fire by proxy of hell being tossed there.
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