To be honest I can see why you think that, maybe one of the most frustrating things from my point of view is how to get people to understand our true point of view.
Let me explain our dilemma,
We believe that the law is still to be kept.
We do not believe that legalism saves nor does keeping the law the way it was meant to be kept.
we believe that keeping the law is the result of salvation through Christ.
Let my try and explain, Sin separated me from my God, I was born this way.
When the law came I saw my sin clearly and my inability to keep it. O wrtched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death?
I realized I needed mercy from the great law giver/Jesus Christ.
The bible spoke of the messiah to come in the Old Testament, and in the new I see Christ and Him Crucified paying for my sins. My heart leaps for Joy I see a way out in Jesus, a way out of my hopeless condition.
But here is a problem, I need more than forgiveness it is not enough to have my sins wiped away, because as soon as they are wiped I added new ones to the slate and needed to confess again and again.
Remember sin separates us from God. So I came to realize that I needed more than forgiveness, I needed as Savior who would not only pay for my sin but would empower me to cease from doing that which separates us. For how could I ever have hope of a future in the presence of a Holy God while sin is part of my life?
This I also found in Jesus, He is a complete savior from sin, I found that by accepting His death I could also partake of His life, His resurrected life. Jesus empowered me to overcome my sins and transformed me by His love.
Guess what changed? I began to look at the law and not see myself as breaking it anymore, why? what had changed? Had I worked harder?
No, not by works but by Grace through faith Jesus changed my heart and is still changing it. There is truly power in the blood and the life of our Saviour.
See I used to try keep the law and kept failing and I only tried to keep it to be saved but I did not like it.
But now through Jesus love I suddenly found a power that causes me to keep it and loves to do so, it is my greatest Joy because it is the evidence of things not seen. it is the power of a risen savior. Jesus my Lord.
Jesus did not just forgive me He saved and is saving me. Do I still need Jesus? Yes every moment, I can only keep them while He is in me. When I take my eyes off Him I sink into sin just as Peter sank into the water. I need Him every hour every second of the day.
You know which part of the law I love the most?
Its the Sabbath, I love them all but the Sabbath more than any other shows the love and character of our God. It says something about God that all the other 9 do not.
I don't keep the Sabbath because the 4th commandment says so. indeed the law simply points out sin when we break it.
So the law only served to show me that when I was not keeping it I was sinning.
But now that Grace through Faith has come through Jesus, I love to keep it, I can't help but keep it. Something in me compels me to keep it. and I delight in it like you would not believe.
It is not a chore it is a blessing above earthly understanding.
See when I was a slave to sin I broke the law which is good Holy and Just.
But now in Jesus I am free and that is why I am able to keep the law.
it is only slaves who can not keep it. My Jesus did not die to leave me a slave and I know that by experience now.
Let me tell you from my perspective what it seems to me when you say I am a legalist or that I am wrong to keep the law.
I hear you saying, have less faith. don't hope for so much in Jesus. God has not freed you yet. Jesus blood was not enough.
I know you don't mean those things but that is how it comes across.
You say that its works, but I say its Faith, I can say no other. For it was faith in Jesus that changed my heart, it is constant trust in Him that produces the fruit of obedience in my life.
I do not strive at the law, I don't need to anymore, Christ is in my and the life I live is none but Him in me through faith.
so Yes I teach to keep the law, because in it is the freedom of Jesus. when I was a slave to sin I could not keep it because sin is breaking it and I was a slave to it.
But now I am free from sin/breaking the law, the natural result of the Spirit in me is keeping it. as the sinful heart does not and cannot so the new heart can and does.
So when you tell me to stop preaching the law know that I can not stop and will not stop, because Christ is the law and when He is in me the law is fulfilled perfectly by His Grace through faith/trusting Him.
I do not preach salvation by law keeping.
I do preach salvation from law breaking in Jesus.
or in other words:
I do not preach salvation by righteousness.
I do preach salvation from sin in Jesus
hope that helps, blessings.
Thank you for this post. I will try to address the general points you have made. But let me firstly say this. To me there is a divide in Christianity. It is not according to denomination but the Holy Spirit. And the divide comes between those who accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit for today and those who do not. The term is often referred to as The Baptism of the Holy Spirit-or the filling of the Holy Spirit.
I grew up in a Baptist church, then with my family went to a ''born again'' church when I was ten. Everything changed then. I knew I must take God very seriously. I responded to an altar call, and that was the defining moment of my life. I knew in my mind how a Christian should live(what they should not do) and in my heart I wanted to obey. But no matter how hard I tried I could not do it. You speak of obeying the law, which law? You see, every time I had an impure thought I knew I was not living as God wanted me to live. If I got angry I was not living as God wanted me to live. If I had an unkind thought about anyone I was not living as God wanted me to live. If I was not perfect I knew I was not living as God wanted me to live. So if I was not perfect I was disobeying God's laws. I became crushed as you, and I became a worse sinner, despite my earnest desire to live as God wanted me to. I became like Paul spoke of in Rom ch7:7-11. For you see, in effect I was trying to be justified before God as a Christian as Paul tried to be justified as a Pharisee. So I will get the same result he got. The good and Holy laws of God I thought would give me life if I obeyed them, instead brought death(condemnation) for I could not keep them. Sin used what was good and Holy to bring about my condemnation, though the law itself is perfect, holy and righteous. I gave up with Christianity when I was 15, I figured I could not be good enough for God. I thought the other people in church could be, for I assumed they acted 24/7 as they appeared in church every Sunday. In honest estimation of myself I knew I could not do that(I was naïve!)
As you, I found out years later that Christ was my right standing before God, I had none of my own. God revealed grace to me.
. It was only when I finally knew Christ was my righteousness before God that I actually believed I could be a Christian. I guess so far we are pretty identical.
.As you know I go to a SDA church every Saturday as my wife is SDA. I have to be honest with you here, for what point is there in a discussion otherwise. It seems so similar where it has always mattered to me to the church I grew up in. The differences to me are simple the sda church worships on a Saturday, and avoids what to them are unclean foods, and the ''born again'' church of my youth believed in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit for today. Take those things out of it and they could be the same church. The structure of the service, the type of people who go is almost identical. Here is the thing. Both churches stress how well you must live your life, but neither the church of my youth, or the sda church preach the grace Paul wrote of. They both preach Christ died for your sins, but not the full message of grace Paul preached. Now in fairness, very, very few ministers do preach that. But for me, the sda church and the church of my youth stress how well you must live your life(according to God's laws) That's fine, but if you do not preach the full message of grace as is in the bible alongside it, you can invite disaster for people.
You see, it so often comes across as this: You are saved by faith in Christ, he died for your sins, now you are saved you must obey the law.'' The inference being if you don't you cannot be a Christian. It sounds great doesn't it? It sounds a natural thing to preach, and who should argue with that? But when that was preached to me as a young person I became a worse sinner. You see, it didn't matter I was told Jesus died for me, according to what was preached, if I could not obey the law I was condemned to hell, for the stipulation for me remaining a Christian in effect was if I obeyed the law. Now to me, that put me under a law of righteousness. In effect I was saved by grace, kept if I could obey the law.
I don't mean to be unkind here, but when I first met my wife that was her view also. And she was Baptised in the sda church.
I told her IA knew I would go to Heaven. She questioned why I could say that as she did not have that assurity. In other words, she did not know if she would obey the law well enough to attain Heaven. Whereas for me, I attain Heaven because Christ paid the price of my sin at Calvary, past, present and future. She in effect is trusting in herself to get to Heaven, I am trusting in Jesus.
My wife is now starting to change slightly some of her beliefs on this
I will stop there for now as this post will become too long otherwise.
I hope I have not offended you by what I have written, that was not my intention, simply to be honest