Am not really sure about the identity of this , some people say its Jerusalem, others say its Rome.
What does the Bible say.
What do you think? Any clues. Is it past, or is it future.
I dont really know what to believe. Certainly its a wealthy city that falls. There are many wealthy cities nowadays, but which one has all the influence of the entire world?
Or is it the UN or some other global organisation.
What does the Bible say.
What do you think? Any clues. Is it past, or is it future.
I dont really know what to believe. Certainly its a wealthy city that falls. There are many wealthy cities nowadays, but which one has all the influence of the entire world?
Or is it the UN or some other global organisation.
And it is for sure not Jerusalem, although the man of sin will want to make his headquarters set up there, but the Jews were not the initiator of the Babylonian system coming back.
And even though the Roman Empire does not lose their dominion until God puts them down, it was not Rome that was the initiator of the Babylonian system, although they have a play in it, the Pope, and Vatican, which is actually in league with the initiator.
And Russia and America are actually both working together, as well as Democrat, and Republican, for it is the Hegel System, set up opposing forces, for it gets everyone involved, but no solution, but back and forth, then a compromise that works for both, and brings everyone together as one.
Daniel had a vision of 4 kingdoms that were different than each other, which are the 4 ways of people, and although all 4 went by the 4 ways, there was 1 of those ways that was their chief mode of operation.
Babylon, lion, human religion, the occult, and when they lost the revelation of God they became known as the kingdom of man.
Medo-Persia, bear, physical cruelty.
Greece, leopard, human wisdom.
Roman Empire, iron, pushing for power, dominion, which they will become 10 horns, the world split in to ten sections with a leader in each section, which is in the future, the 7th king, and the little horn, man of sin, New Age Christ comes from the ten horns, the 8th king, who is of the 7 kingdoms, for the devil influenced those kingdoms.
The first three kingdoms will never have dominion again, but their lives were prolonged for a time and a season, which means their ways are still on earth.
The Roman Empire does not lose her dominion until Jesus puts them down, which they shall devour the whole earth, tread it down, and break it in pieces, and even though all nations are together as one, the Roman Empire has the dominion.
Which all 4 kingdoms are at the beast kingdom, because they have not fallen yet, for their ways are still on earth, and they do not fall until Jesus hits the toes of the image of a man in Daniel 2, then all 4 kingdoms fall, for as long as their ways are on earth they have not fallen yet.
Which is why the beast kingdom has 10 horns, Roman Empire, physical dominion, with the ways of a lion, Babylon, human religion, the occult, and the kingdom of man, for that is what the beast kingdom is about, and acknowledge no personal god, but honor the God of forces, or the power of nature as their higher power, which they believe the New Age Christ will cause them to evolve through nature to be greater, and spiritual.
The ways of a bear, Medo-Persia, physical cruelty, for they will try to get rid of everyone from the earth that oppose their kingdom, for they want peace on earth, and all opposing beliefs gone, and they do not need slaves to be around, for they do not need any work produced by people for their benefit, and do not have to eat, for they are an ascended master, and avatar like the man Jesus, and do not want to rule over the people that oppose them.
The ways of a leopard, Greece, human religion.
The beast kingdom is the kingdom of man in it's entirety, unlike kingdoms in the past that had a chief mode of operation, and the others were minor operations whatever ratio they were, but it is the 4 chief modes of all 4 kingdoms in the beast kingdom, and no minor role there.
Babylon will never have physical dominion again, but her ways are still on earth, and she represents human religion, the occult, and the kingdom of man, which is what the beast kingdom is all about, so it is Babylon in spirit, for she has not fallen yet, for her ways are still on earth.
Babylon represents anything goes multiculturism, the worship of many gods, human religion, the occult, the kingdom of man, so she is mystery Babylon for she represents all the false religions, and all the false spiritual ways of the people of the world, in one unified religious system, and is identified as a woman.
And Babylon at one time acknowledged the God of Israel when king Nebuchadnezzar ruled, and proclaimed throughout his kingdom that anyone that says anything against the God of Israel shall be cut in pieces, and their house made a dunghill, and believed that until he died.
And they prospered from that, and their falseness they had among them was overlooked in that prosperity for they acknowledged the God of Israel.
That is why Babylon rode on eagle's wings for a while, and is referred to as gold, for they were actually the greatest Gentile kingdom of all.
But when the king died his son took the throne, and knew what his father believed, and how the kingdom was operating by putting the God of Israel first among the many gods, but took the vessels out of the temple of the LORD, and drank out of them praising false gods.
The eagle's wings were plucked, and lifted up from the earth, lost the revelation of God for good, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it, which they became the kingdom of man.
The kingdom was stripped from them, and because of their high revelation of God they fell hard, and became known as the kingdom of man, and represent the beast kingdom in the future, that is the kingdom of man.
And in Babylon was found all the slain upon earth, for Babylon represents all the wicked people that have ever lived on earth.
For you either belong to Babylon, the kingdom of man, or the kingdom of God.
The unified religious system prior to the beast operates for three and one half years representing all the religions of the world, and interpreted according to the occult, and evolution, even a false Christianity, which God warns us of the new age movement in the Bible, a false Islam, and a false Judaism, which they will attack all 3 one at a time.
Babylon has not fallen yet, for her ways are still on earth, and will come back, the daughter of Babylon, at the beast kingdom in the future.
And she lived deliciously, and in pleasure, and did trade with the world.
And when she falls the rest of the nations stand afar off for the fear of her torment.
So there was a certain nation that represents the Babylonian system that started it all that caused the world to go to the beast kingdom, for she was the foundation, and the start of why the world rebelled against God.
For she was a nation that allowed religious diversity, all ethnic groups to be there, worldliness, a system that caused money, and material things to flow like a raging river, and worked in the world unlike any other nation for peace, and did trade with the world, which they prospered economically because of her.
And even though they had falseness in their system like the Babylon of old, and the allowing of all religions to be practiced there, including Satanism, the occult, and the new age movement, and the worship of many gods, she prospered because she acknowledged the God of Israel, and allowed the people to worship the God of Israel, and no hindrance from access to the Bible, and to possess it, and preach it in the nation, and preach it in the world.
This nation is like the Babylon of old that started the system to come back, the initiator of why it happened to cause the world to head in the direction of the beast kingdom, fueled by the new age movement.
For like king Nebuchadnezzar's son that blew it, they too are blowing it, and the powers to be, the people who really are in charge, and cause big changes to happen, are of the occult, and want to establish the new age movement in the world as standard procedure, so they can produce the New Age Christ to be able to evolve to be greater, and spiritual.
The new age movement is the future for this sinful world, which is based on the occult, and evolution, and will pave the way to the beast kingdom for all who do not love God.
The new age movement is the beginning of the end for the wicked.
Babylon has not fallen yet, and will come back to life, and operate in the world at the beast kingdom, human religion, the occult, and the kingdom of man.
And the woman riding the scarlet colored beast had a name written upon her forehead, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, and abominations, of the earth, for she represents all the false religions, all the false spirituality, all the false ways in general, and all the wicked people's ways.
When the beast claims to be God by harnessing the power of nature, and obtaining power, evolved, the ten horns hand their power over to the beast, and he gets control of the world.
And the ten horns shall hate the woman, and shall make her desolate, and naked, and eat her flesh, and burn her with fire, for they have no need of her anymore, the unified religious system, because it could not cause them to evolve to be greater, and spiritual, but was a stepping stone, and precursor to the beast, for the beast will cause them to evolve to be greater, and spiritual.
And Babylon will fall, the nation that was responsible for initiating the Babylon kingdom to bring it back to life, and the nations will stand afar off for the fear of her torment, and cannot do trade with them anymore, and cannot do business with them anymore.
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