Hi Grace777,
Here is the reply that you forgot to post with your cuts and pasts from the got questions website for those interested. Can someone please tell me where in that article does it say in the scriptures that Jesus in our Sabbath and we no longer need to keep the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] Commandment of God’s Law the 7[SUP]th[/SUP] Day Sabbath as a holy day as God commanded His people to do? Our opinions mean nothing it is only God’s Word that matters (Acts 5:29)
Here was the reply for those interested
So nice to see you and appreciate you sharing with us. Your post from that website however has already been discussed here and shown to be not from God's Word. The main thing that undoes this post is that the 7th Day Sabbath has its origin as part of the creation week which is a
finished work and it was given
before the fall of mankind before sin entered the World (Gen 2:1-3). This being the case it is impossible for it to be a shadow of anything at all. All the shadows from the laws of Moses pointing to Jesus were given
after the fall of mankind because they were pointing to Jesus which was an unfinished promise. Jesus tells us that he made the Sabbath for mankind. This was the Sabbaths original purpose so the we can meet with the creator especially on the 7th Day of the creation week. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath and commands us to Keep His day Holy (Mark 2:27-28; Ex 20:8-11). We follow Jesus because we love him and this is what he has asked us of us.
Hope that helps some past links are here if you interested to read about it further.
The real Gospel?
Col 2 Sabbaths and Shadows of things to come (1)
Col 2 Sabbaths and Shadows of things to come (2)
Col 2 Sabbath and Shadows of things to come (3)
What is the
difference between
God's Law and the
laws of Moses ?
God's Law and the laws of Moses (1)
God's Law and the laws of Moses (2)
We all as Christians need to consider everyday if we are following God or not in our daily lives. Jesus tells us that we are not following him if we put man-made traditions in place of the Word of God
(please read Matt 15:3-9). Sunday worship is a man-made tradition that is a teaching of man and many have been deceived into following this as a day of Worship in place of the 7th Day Sabbath that God has commanded us to follow. The main questions each of us needs to ask ourselves is; Should I believe and follow God's Word or should I follow the teachings and traditions of man?
Once again something for you to think about if you have some time; Please show me one scripture from God's Word that answers even one question below? (you don't need to show me just do it for yourself asking Jesus and study God's Word for yourself)
The Sabbath (seventh day) was ever changed from the seventh to the first day of the week?
Where we are told to keep the first day of the week holy?
Where the first day of the week (Sunday) is ever called a holy day?
That says that Jesus ever kept the first day (Sunday)?
That tells us to keep the first day in honour of the resurrection of Christ?
Where the first day is ever given any sacred name?
That affirms that any of the apostles ever kept the first day as the Sabbath?
From any apostolic writings that authorizes Sunday observance as the Sabbath of God?
Where we are told not to work on the first day of the week?
That says the seventh day is no longer God's Sabbath day?
That says the seventh day Sabbath is ABOLISHED?
Where the apostles ever taught any convert to keep the first day of the week as a Sabbath?
Where the first day was ever appointed to be kept as the Lord's Day?
Where the first day of the week is ever called the Lord's Day?
That says that the first day of the week was ever sanctified and hallowed as a day of rest?
That says that the Father or the Son (Jesus) rested on the first day of the week?
That says that Jesus, Paul or any other of the apostles taught anyone to observe the first day of the week as the Sabbath?
That calls the seventh day the “Jewish Sabbath” or one text that calls Sunday the “Christian Sabbath”?
Telling man to keep the first day of the week holy or to worship or rest on the first day of the week?
Authorizing anyone to set aside God's Sabbath and observe any other day?
Showing any of the apostles keeping the first day of the week as the Sabbath?
Authorizing someone to set aside the fourth Commandment and observe any other day of the week?
Where any apostle taught us to keep the first day of the week as the Sabbath?
Declaring that the seventh day is no longer the Eternal Sabbath day?
Where Sunday is now appointed to be kept as the New Testament Sabbath or holy day?
Hope this is helpful and gives you something to think about.
God bless