The transformation of the mind comes by the WORD of God...obviously you know we get the word metamorphis from the Greek word translated transformed....a steady diet of the word of God will grow and mature the spieit we bave that has been born of God (of incorruptable seed) combined with the lead, guide, conviction and enlightment of the Spirit of God.
Well said.
It's this part (blue) that some of certain beliefs cannot accomplish.
Their first mistake is they believe there's no more conviction after accepting Christ. Conviction does two things, first convicting us of sin as we put off the old man & his deeds, & secondly, convicting us of righteousness to promote spiritual maturity as we put on the new man made in the image of Christ.
Their first mistake leads them to their second one: no repentance after conversion.
True repentance brings change. We become sorry for our sins & our will changes to want to perform God's will, & not ours.
Yet without these two active in their lives, they will claim the Holy Spirit promotes change in their lives, while tying His hands so he can't convict & lead to repentance & maturity.
It's a catch-22.
So far, the only response I received to that predicament is that grace changes us without our intervention into full maturity.
My question to this is, "If God does everything perfectly, why aren't we all perfect then?"
And just as I expected, no answer.
It's like every time you catch a glitch in their doctrine, they patch it with a quick excuse.
But if it were true doctrine, God's doctrine, it wouldn't need patching.
To this day, I cannot get them to answer me how they can mature without conviction & repentance.
It's this huge hole in their doctrine, proving it to be false.