it is so true this discussion board sometimes is less helpful than helpful.

So many schools of thought. I just stick to the basic message of the gospel.
I found this discussion board when I was going through some self-condemnation that someone else was putting on me, He was telling me I could loose my salvation it I did not follow
all the commands of Jesus perfectly and that I better have a veil on my head when I prayed and buying a coffee at Starbucks was a sin, and pictures were idolatry and on and on... I did not really believe him thankfully I do have a brain but it planted a seed of doubt.
I knew from years of group bible study that what he was saying could not be true, all my sins were forgiven.
But I needed to be sure I could not loose my salvation and so in my search, was reading both sides of the argument, but then I found posts by G7 and others like mailmandan, EG and I knew
I could not be condemned, God just revealed that truth to me so strongly I cannot even tell you how it removed the bondage I had come under of always looking at my sin.
When you absolutely know
you cannot be condemned because of what Jesus has done, you will find you look less at sin and you will sin less. The more you look at sin the more sin conscious you become.
Be still in Him, let Him take care of you...He wants to, He loves you dearly!!!!
"Be still, and know that I am God!
Psalm 46:10