i teach Faith + Works = Salvation, which i also live by. i have Faith and Works and anything i ask in prayer is given to me. Do you ask and receive not? Maybe because you believe in Faith ONLY, and have no works at all. Therefore is the reason your prayers are not answered. i teach what Scriptures teach. Those who believe Scriptures will believe what i teach, because what i teach is what Scriptures teach. Jesus and i are ONE. Light up the torches, there will be a fire tonight.
So God told you something other than what He told the Apostle Paul, eh?
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." Eph. 2:8-9
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." Eph. 2:8-9
It is by Grace that i got Saved, it is through my belief (Faith) in Jesus Christ that i got SAVED, it is a Gift from God to me, which i did not deserve, nor could i have done anything for it. It was a free gift from God to me, to GET SAVED by and through His Son Jesus Christ, and what He did for me. NOTHING that i did granted that gift to me. NOTHING anyone could do to GET that gift. This is all about the moment you GET SAVED.
This generation acts like they get the GIFT over and over again every single day. They act as if Christ is crucified every single day for them. Christ gives the free Gift ONCE. Christ goes to the cross for that person the moment they accept Him as their Savior and Lord, ONCE. Getting SAVED is a one time event. You do not get SAVED every single day. You got SAVED ONCE, by Grace, through Faith, which you could do nothing for, a free gift given to you ONCE. People wake up, there is a difference between GETTING Saved and what a person MUST do once they ARE SAVED. If you can't understand this simple Truth, you will not be able to understand many prophesies that God has told me will come.
So then God did not tell me something different that what the Apostle Paul teaches. i do not teach, nor am i called to tell people how to GET SAVED, my calling is to teach people what they MUST do once they have already been SAVED, once they have already accepted the Free Gift from God.
Get Saved - by Grace, through Faith, Absolutely no works required.
Are SAVED - Works required with Faith, because Jesus plainly COMMANDED us to Love One Another, which is most certainly, WORKS.
When Jesus gave us a New Commandment, was it to try to get us to GET SAVED, or did He altogether command that to those who already were SAVED, they were already believers that HE COMMANDED them to Love One Another. You can NEVER Love One Another to GET SAVED, you can never have ANY Works to GET SAVED. But once you ARE SAVED, you better be obeying Jesus Christ your Master and Lord and Savior, which COMMANDED you to Love One Another. Woe to this generation who does not think it is required, altogether being on the broad and wide path that leads to destruction. If you are not Loving One Another, you are NO different than that goats in the parable of Jesus, calling Jesus "Lord" and not Loving One Another. Jesus Himself said "If you Love Me, you will keep my commandments" He also said "If you Love Me, you will do what I say" What does He command? What does He say? LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Woe to you if you are not doing this.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††