Not inspecting fruit. Commenting on the rotten, worm infested, abominable fruit that you throw in my face.
Besides, you inspected my fruit when you commented on my self control
Besides, you inspected my fruit when you commented on my self control
a judgement is being totally unaware of what one is doing.
The whole premise of certain accusations is founded on the idea an accusation is true.
If the accusation is false then the following argument fails totally.
Cynicism is addictive and carries its own poison. It is always easier to criticise and find fault
than build something that works. Failures are infinite, while success is often singular.
So the cynic is so convinced they are a valuable contributor because they get so much right,
except when they destroy the very thing they should be supporting. At that point they become
the enemy.
Jesus was not cynic, He carried an answer and lived in hope that the elect would follow. So likewise
that is our calling, carrying the answer and calling to the elect to follow, Amen.