100% Jesus or it is fraudulent........faith plus for, to keep, maintain, top off or finish salvation = false and lost <---according to scripture......Having begun in the spirit are you now made complete by the flesh (works) <--he calls them fools and bewitched
Yep, 100% Jesus
regenerated by the Spirit of Jesus
Justified by the blood of Jesus
Saved by the Life of Jesus.
Kept by the power of Jesus
Interceded for by the High Priest Jesus
Sactified by Jesus
Fruitful as we abide in Jesus
Redeemed a people zelous of good works
Created in Christ Jesus unto Good works which God ordained before
Without Christ we can do nothing
with Christ, we can do all things
Christ able to keep us from falling
Will be glorified when we see Him as He is.
Will cast our crowns at His feet.
100% Jesus. BUT ALL 100%, not PICK AND CHOOSE