The workers for......How many works are enough to embellish salvation...1, 5, 100?
The workers for......If you fail to work and lose salvation can you regain it back by 1 work, 5 or 100?
The workers for......So is it Jesus that saves you or your works, and if works why the need for Jesus?
The workers for......Paul said, Faith plus WORKS = a gospel that is fake, a fraud, NO POWER, double cursed
The workers for......Jesus said, Those who claim to know him and boast of works are to be cast
The workers for......Paul said, Abraham was justified before GOD by faith void of works, how can you say works add to?
The workers for......James said, BEFORE MEN our faith is seen in works...not that works save or embellish salvation
The workers for......Jude compares FALSE teachers to three men, the 1st being Cain who offered his WORKS and was rejected
The workers for......The bible said the just shall live by faith.....nothing about works
The workers for......Ephesians states we are saved by grace through faith NOT OF WORKS...workers for like to brag
The workers for......Titus teaches NOT BY WORKS of righteousness, but according to his MERCY has he saved us (past tense)
Plenteous in number will be the amount of people who boast, brag and push their works based salvation...only to find out they were wrong...JESUS saves based upon acknowledging him in faith....your works will not help you get saved, keep you saved or embellish cannot add to what Christ has done on your behalf......good luck with your working for dogma....and good luck with boasting on your works in the day of judgment.......MANY will say.....LORD, LORD have we not done many wonderful works in your name......workers of the thief they attempted to enter by another door.....their works.......!