it is about salvation by grace through faith, then that salvation MUST be demonstrated by doing good works, abstaining from sin.
those are not bad things, but the main falsehood of lordship salvation is that if someone is not visibly walking out salvation, then they are not saved.
it makes a cast system that some ( see phoneman777) stand in judgement over others.
a noble concept that easily falls into a man-made religion.
those are not bad things, but the main falsehood of lordship salvation is that if someone is not visibly walking out salvation, then they are not saved.
it makes a cast system that some ( see phoneman777) stand in judgement over others.
a noble concept that easily falls into a man-made religion.
I read the following
Does it sum it up?
I resonate with the guilt bit.
Boy was I made to feel guilty by the church (aka the member's) who made me feel so guilty and worthless because I was struggling and as a result NOT PERFORMING OR DOING.
Those that did so assumed I wasn't saved because I stopped to church yet not one sort me out to find out why.
Yes I stopped going to church but never lost my faith in Jesus.
I had a ministry, got burned out asked for help when I stepped down and was refused because I was no longer giving out.
Even asked for help for my past experiences which was affecting my present.
Things like sexual abuse, being thrown out at 14 by my mum which led to the sexual abuse. Lot of hurt and pain, led to addictions and the list goes on.
What is most shocking was the following I was told "Bible says don't do so don't do it"
The second person who said along that line to me I lost the plot.
I said "If I could just stop then I wouldn't be asking you for help"
That was the polite version.
Very sad indeed that Christians shoot their wounded rather than tend to them.
They obviously have never read where God says "A bruised reed I will not break"
I lost my faith in the people of the church and not God.
I called out to God every day for deliverance and praise him in his time (about 15 years) he put me on the heart of a new leader of my church to seek me out.
He was/is an amazing man of God and he walked with me had through Jesus restored me.
If lordship slavation affects people like it did me then it is an abhorrent doctrine and a fatal heresy and they will answer for it and will probably have their works burned up.
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