The proposition is simple.
Hard hearts deny our problem is within us, but external to us.
God declares our problem is our sin and isolation, not responding to love and letting love
rule everything we do.
If you understand this is our problem and open your hearts in full repentance before the
cross, then healing flows, resolution and forgiveness is found.
Now it appears to me, though this is where I stand another group despise this gospel and
wish to replace it with something else.
And we are the people of God, can do nothing else by pray and ask for God forgiveness
and grace so that we can share what God has done within us.
Now love is Christ and the cross, resolution is repentance and confession, accepting
forgiveness through the cross and learning to obey and love from the heart.
Unfortunately hard hearted people are impervious to this reality, and will say we are
anti-Christ, pouring guilt on sinners, so condemning them to reject Christ, when all
they need to do is accept Christ, without repentance, and they will be saved.
This is apostacy, a turning away from righteousness and purity, walking in the ways
of the world and compromising spiritual realities.
Legalists and those under the law will always feel condemnation, it is the ministry
of the Holy Spirit. Only those washed and purified will ever feel release, because the
Holy Spirit will testify with their spirit they they have been washed and purified.
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Gal 5:14
If we rise in rebellion against love, then we know we need to repent, because we are
rising up against God himself.
To know Christ is to know resolution within. But what is being declared by some, is
though they have no resolution, they know Christ and I do not. But the scriptures
already declare this is wrong. We know we know Christ when we love.
And we need forgiveness, healing and purification to get to this state.
But people walk in real unbelief, because though they claim God can change them,
they refuse to admit this is the sign of a true movement of God within.
Because it has not happened to them, this is a denial of where they stand.
But here is the spiritual paradox. Will we humble ourselves before the cross when
faced with our own sin and rebellion or continue in it, claiming this is the wisdom
of God.
The Kingdom of God is a place of choice, not force.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:10
How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me.
Exodus 10:3
For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matt 23:12
Dear Lord, forgive us when we sin. We repent of our sin, and commit ourselves to
walk in your ways, to live by the Spirit, to learn your love and victory in our lives
through your word. We thank you for the cross, and reach out in faith for healing
of our hearts of the hurts and pain that bind us, and help us to open up and learn
how to love those around us, Amen.