I know you really, really, really like to post this verse. 

Can we agree that this verse needs to be understood first within the context of the audience, to whom it was written, that is the church at Corinth?
Can we agree that this verse needs to be understood first within the context of the audience, to whom it was written, that is the church at Corinth?
All of the inspired scriptures are written to God's born again children, instructing them as to how he wants them to live their lives as they sojourn here on earth. So, yes, this was written to the church, informing them of the contrast of the spiritual man and the natural man.
Paul even says is chapter 3:1 that he could not speak unto them as spiritual, but as carnal, even as unto "babes in Christ". They had been born again, but had not matured enough to come unto a knowledge of the righteousness of God.