"God is a debtor to no one". If we decide to work for our salvation, He is not obliged to do anything. Access to God is by one way only. Jesus said "I am the Way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me"
Then when we have recieved Jesus as our Saviour, and begin to seek to imitate Him
It's essencial to know who we are in Christ before we can make any progress for God. To trust that He knows us well enough to save once for all our lives., Sin is no longer imputed to us., it was taken away and nailed to the cross. Many chrisitans do the dance of being righteous but then not being righteous.,then getting righteous again, then dropping the ball and not being righteous. Soon the dance is exhausting. We are not nor will we ever be righteous enough to do a good work worthy of salvation. Also we will never be good enough to do a work of sanctification in our lives. lol The sanctification process is also done by grace through faith in Him as we allow Him to love us through life. Trust Him to take care of us and bring us through to the end. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. amen!
When we recieve Jesus Christ, we become the righteousness of God in Christ.
It even sounds too awsome to say.
Grace is getting everything while putting IN nothing ourselves. We pay nothing, Jesus paid all. He received our sin...we recieve HIS righteousness. It is a spiritual truth that will not make sense to a human mind unless God opens your understanding to free grace. Grace cannot be earned or merited by impressing God with our humble goodness. There is nothing worthy of merit in us. That is the very reason it took Jesus., the Son of God to come. Where sin abounds GRACE much more abounded.
That is the Gospel message...the Good News!!! That is why we can be so joyful in this life now and in the next life. We can live in joyful anticipation of what He will do as we consider what He has done and IS doing now in us. That is the difference between successful living and defeated living for the christian.
\o/ \o/ \o/
Soooo worth repeating!
Thanks for posting!
-JGIGSoooo worth repeating!
Thanks for posting!