Is Faith true Faith a result of works?
Or is the works done through us as was done through Christ by Father the evidence of Faith, that one believes Father and does as Father does, thanks to son showing us how to walk circumspectly in 100% trust to Father to do in and through us what no flesh could ever do, only Christ's flesh did, and ever will be pleasing to Father, Therefore by Faith we are to walk as he walked in 100% dependent on Father to lead in love to all
Or is that too simple, his yoke easy and burden light?
Or is the works done through us as was done through Christ by Father the evidence of Faith, that one believes Father and does as Father does, thanks to son showing us how to walk circumspectly in 100% trust to Father to do in and through us what no flesh could ever do, only Christ's flesh did, and ever will be pleasing to Father, Therefore by Faith we are to walk as he walked in 100% dependent on Father to lead in love to all
Or is that too simple, his yoke easy and burden light?
You are Saved (PAST TENSE) by Grace through the FAITH that is TOTALLY a gift of God placed in you by the Holy Spirit.
GOOD Works earn absolutely NO PART of your Salvation, or your Salvation would CEASE to be a FREE GIFT from GOD.
IS the SALVATION and FAITH in you the REAL McCOY?
If it PRODUCES the desire and ability to do GOOD WORKS including perseverance, it certainly IS.
WHY does GOD cause your Salvation and Faith to PRODUCE GOOD WORKS?
For two primary reasons:
So that you man KNOW you are IN CHRIST.
So that those you Witness to may KNOW that your Faith is REAL.
REMEMBER: More often than we KNOW, our lifestyles are the ONLY BIBLE some people will ever look at.