Hi thanks
That seems odd concern myself with the OT but to concentrate my focus on the NT ?
I would suggest it was never about the flesh but the unsen things of the spirit. When we make it about men as in those play who is the Alfa Jesus got ignored .
Trying to teach them to walk by faith using the parables to aid in and not looking to the things seen the temporal. That who is the church who defines the us Him or those who go out from us as he defines it. It can viewed in both Mark 9 and Luke 9 a lesson on how to hear by faith . . . .through the understandings of parables, after three times still not understanding how faith the gospel message is hid in parables. . ending with a rebuke. . . "You know not what manner of spirit you are of. . . . pointing to the spirt of the world "who is the greatest"
whenever two or three are gathered together under the authority of God (sola scriptura) he is there as the invisible teacher lovingingly comandmnding them to study inorfder to seek his aporoval . But in the multitude of his conselors the word of God their is safety. Not a salvation issue but how do we hear God like fingerprints we all have on our opinions as preiave interptation or hereises . many difernt traditons as long as they do not do despite to the grace that bought us like cathilicicsm for one.
Jesus in a parable talks about His Death. Hiding the understanding as a teaching aid as to how to walk by faith the unseen .
Luke 9: The people were still amazed about all the things Jesus did. He said to his followers, 44 “Don’t forget what I will tell you now: The Son of Man will soon be handed over to the control of other men.” 45 But the followers did not understand what he meant. The meaning was hidden from them so that they could not understand it. But they were afraid to ask Jesus about what he said.
Immediately in a place of confusion to show they missed the understanding …. Who Is the Greatest? Out the way confusing one.
Luke 9:46 Jesus’ followers began to have an argument about which one of them was the greatest. 47 Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he took a little child and stood the child beside him. 48 Then he said to the followers, “Whoever accepts a little child like this in my name is accepting me. And anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one who sent me. The one among you who is the most humble—this is the one who is great.”
Again he set a parable to help aid in walking by faith. . . understand God not seen . . Whoever Is Not Against You or us, Is for You or us.
Luke 9:49 John answered, “Master, we saw someone using your name to force demons out of people. We told him to stop because he does not belong to our group.” Jesus said to him, “Don’t stop him. Whoever is not against you is for you.”
Setting up another to teach us how to walk or understand God without seeing any form called faith . A Samaritan Town
Luke 9:51 The time was coming near when Jesus would leave and go back to heaven. He decided to go to Jerusalem. He sent some men ahead of him. They went into a town in Samaria to make everything ready for him. But the people there would not welcome Jesus because he was going toward Jerusalem. James and John, the followers of Jesus, saw this. They said, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven and destroy those people?”
After that he was disappointed that they refused to rightly divide the parables as the word of God. But rather followed after the spirit of this world walking by sight
Luke 9:55 But Jesus turned and criticized them for saying this. Then he and his followers went to another town.
That seems odd concern myself with the OT but to concentrate my focus on the NT ?
I would suggest it was never about the flesh but the unsen things of the spirit. When we make it about men as in those play who is the Alfa Jesus got ignored .
Trying to teach them to walk by faith using the parables to aid in and not looking to the things seen the temporal. That who is the church who defines the us Him or those who go out from us as he defines it. It can viewed in both Mark 9 and Luke 9 a lesson on how to hear by faith . . . .through the understandings of parables, after three times still not understanding how faith the gospel message is hid in parables. . ending with a rebuke. . . "You know not what manner of spirit you are of. . . . pointing to the spirt of the world "who is the greatest"
whenever two or three are gathered together under the authority of God (sola scriptura) he is there as the invisible teacher lovingingly comandmnding them to study inorfder to seek his aporoval . But in the multitude of his conselors the word of God their is safety. Not a salvation issue but how do we hear God like fingerprints we all have on our opinions as preiave interptation or hereises . many difernt traditons as long as they do not do despite to the grace that bought us like cathilicicsm for one.
Jesus in a parable talks about His Death. Hiding the understanding as a teaching aid as to how to walk by faith the unseen .
Luke 9: The people were still amazed about all the things Jesus did. He said to his followers, 44 “Don’t forget what I will tell you now: The Son of Man will soon be handed over to the control of other men.” 45 But the followers did not understand what he meant. The meaning was hidden from them so that they could not understand it. But they were afraid to ask Jesus about what he said.
Immediately in a place of confusion to show they missed the understanding …. Who Is the Greatest? Out the way confusing one.
Luke 9:46 Jesus’ followers began to have an argument about which one of them was the greatest. 47 Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he took a little child and stood the child beside him. 48 Then he said to the followers, “Whoever accepts a little child like this in my name is accepting me. And anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one who sent me. The one among you who is the most humble—this is the one who is great.”
Again he set a parable to help aid in walking by faith. . . understand God not seen . . Whoever Is Not Against You or us, Is for You or us.
Luke 9:49 John answered, “Master, we saw someone using your name to force demons out of people. We told him to stop because he does not belong to our group.” Jesus said to him, “Don’t stop him. Whoever is not against you is for you.”
Setting up another to teach us how to walk or understand God without seeing any form called faith . A Samaritan Town
Luke 9:51 The time was coming near when Jesus would leave and go back to heaven. He decided to go to Jerusalem. He sent some men ahead of him. They went into a town in Samaria to make everything ready for him. But the people there would not welcome Jesus because he was going toward Jerusalem. James and John, the followers of Jesus, saw this. They said, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven and destroy those people?”
After that he was disappointed that they refused to rightly divide the parables as the word of God. But rather followed after the spirit of this world walking by sight
Luke 9:55 But Jesus turned and criticized them for saying this. Then he and his followers went to another town.
Keep Studying, you need to do a LOT MORE.
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