A later form isn't "the same word". This is the same concept of a root word and later a new word created from that root.
"d) Many words which had long been in use received a new form or pronunciation by which the older was in most cases superceded: as [...] apostasia (apostasis, Lob. p. 528), [...]"
[found on pgs 24-25]
-- https://books.google.com/books?id=i7kC8UOe-4cC&pg=PA24&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=true
The root word, the older word, means to change your mind and it can be about anything. The new word means to change your mind regarding a religious belief which is known as Apostasy.
Neither word has anything to do with moving physically. You don't even understand what it means to change one's "standing". It's not about literal standing.
I'm talking neither about "ONE'S standing" (as individuals) nor "literal standing [on one's two feet, upon the ground]".
What I am talking about is (more like this):
--presently, the Lord works IN AND THROUGH the entity known as "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" to show to everyone else God's address in this world (so to speak) [previously, He worked in and through Israel, to this same end / purpose, and in the FUTURE, will again...]; if someone wants to know who the True God is, "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" is where and by whom they can be / are pointed to Him--It is our [as a CORPORATE ENTITY] "standing" in this world (again, not literally "standing on two feet, upon the ground" that I'm talking about; but our position / placement by God, our function / purpose, etc);
--when God's [specific] purposes for "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" on this earth is completed (at a time FIXED by our Father), we will CORPORATELY EXPERIENCE "our Rapture" (an event aka "OUR episynagoges UNTO HIM" [IN THE AIR]... which concludes our "STANDING" in the world, we'll at that point receive our glorified bodies, etc...); This is pretty much the same sense that Hebrews 9:8-9a is using the word "STANDING," regarding "the first tabernacle [the one in the wilderness, per the furnishings named in v.4 of that context] yet HAVING A STANDING, which IS A PARABLE for the PRESENT TIME" (note that the text does NOT say: "while the first tabernacle STOOD [verb; or while the first tabernacle WAS STANDING - verb]". NO.
Not talking about its four walls in an upright position anchored to the ground (like, prior to [and contrasted with] being "razed [/destroyed / torn down]" or the like. NOT WHAT IT'S SPEAKING ABOUT... and not what I'm saying either
It seems like some in this thread (not you ewq, usually) are not grasping the CORPORATE NATURE of "our Rapture / SNATCH / CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH... [IN THE AIR]" event (nor the purposes involved regarding it).
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