Considering what the Sabbath is about Isa 58:13 Exo 20:8-11 Lev 23:3 etc, it would be impossible to keep the Sabbath every day. God knows we have to do works and labors to survive. Housework’s, garden works, shopping, paying bills, going to work, working out and a million other things that take our mind off Christ, that does not mean we should not worship God 365/24/7 but God only asked us to keep one day set aside for holy use to put our minds totally on Christ for one full day and that is the seventh day Sabbath Exo 20:8-11 We should pray and study our bibles every day, but He also commanded us to work 6 days Exo 20:9
Checking in on our elderly or handicapped neighbors to see if they're OK,need help, would like us to mow their lawn for free. Visit local pet shelters and keep kitties and doggies company for awhile as they await a loving family.
Make candles and anoint them with oils listed in Scripture and then use those or pass them along to sisters and brothers at church ,our weekly ,sometimes Sabbath day, prayer and or Bible study circles.
Bottom line is, board trolls excluded of course, we will never reach those who are openly in opposition to God's gift of Sabbath day.
I've been online and in Christian communities for awhile now. And often it is the same name(s) who post the same Sabbath opposition arguments. They never can post a scripture that proves God retracted the gift he created for MAN,not Jews in the Mosaic era only. For mankind!
Because no such scripture exists. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. He is God,our Lord,who created and gifted us,humans,'man' the Sabbath.
The people of The Way in the New Testament were converted Jews. I.E those who today would be known as Messianic Jews. And they kept the Sabbath.
We today keep the Sabbath holy in service to God's call on our lives in his name. Examples are those acts I previously listed.
"Acts" of the Apostles are not solely chapters in The Book.
May God continue to keep you in his blessings and light.
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