I am new here so please bear with me. Dino, are you saying that as Christians. we do not have to live under the Law? The 10 commandments, because if you are that is not what the bible teaches. We need to study from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. If you are saying that we are not under the sacrificial law of killing animals for the forgiveness of sin, then you are right. Jesus paid that price for us. We are still under the law as far as the 10 commandments go. Mal
No issue with "bearing with you"; we were all new at one time.
I agree: we must study the Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, but we need to notice the teaching within that explains Christians, especially Gentile Christians, are not under the Sinai covenant, of which the 10 commandments are part.
Notice particularly the following:
Acts 15, wherein Gentile Christians are given just four instructions;
Galatians 3:10, wherein Paul states (quoting the Law, no less) that those who do not do EVERYTHING in the Law (as appropriate) or you are cursed;
Hebrews 8:13, wherein the writer states that the old covenant is obsolete;
James 2:10, wherein James states that whoever keeps the whole law but fails in ONE point becomes guilty of all of it.
We need to discern what is
informational for us as Christians (much of the Old Testament) and what is
instructional. As I have explained to others, A Christian's relationship to the old covenant Law is somewhat like a homebound American's relationship to civil laws in Borneo: they may do things that align with the Borneo laws, but they are not "under" them.
Our relationship with God is not based on adherence to the old covenant Law. That was for ancient Israel, and they failed miserably at it. Jesus said at the last supper that He has made a new covenant in His blood; that is the covenant under which Christians live out their faith.