Perhaps now you can correct your eschatology and your use of brackets?
The truth comes out?
Your concern quickly has went from (Brackets) to (Eschatology)
It's amazing how humans have underlying agendas to what appears to be a presented concern, smiles
Yes we disagree on eschatology.
My Belief:
1. Jerusalem is the whore, mystery Babylon the Great, of Rev 17-18
2. There will be a future literal human man as The Beast/Antichrist, he will be Jewish in decent.
3. There will be a future 3.5 year Tribulation, that starts at the revealing of this human man.
4. There will be literal prophets returned (Two Witnesses) that will bring literal plagues upon this world
5. Jesus Christ returns to Armageddon in fire and Final judgement, immediately after this tribulation, dissolving this earth by fire, as the New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem are revealed for eternity, judgement complete, eternity begins
There Will Be No Millennial Kingdom Upon This Earth.