Have you ever noticed that so many of our churches have a very large list of different human carnal rules and regulations they try to get us to live by? Our churches today have far too many ways they keep trying to get us to redeem ourselves and obtain our own righteousness. It almost drives me insane to hear them say they are not doing the very thing they are doing—teaching for the truth of God’s Word, the commandments of people.
I believe most Christians worship the Lord in vain teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. You see it's not about us and how well we walk and try to be good or how much water we play with. It's about him. The walk is not about us. The end result is being strong in him and in the power of his might. Nobody I have communicated with on here can understand what I'm saying because they can only see themselves. They walk in their own dead nature and play word games with me. The kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
You've also complained (more than once if memory serves) that no one understands you on this forum, and I believe that you are correct about that (for the most part anyway). At the same time, you've accused all of us with being the problem, but the common denominator in all of this, is you.
Most of us came here to enjoy being part of a "community" of believers, to discuss different topics with each other, and to hopefully grow in Christ and in the faith together as a result. I hope I'm wrong, but I get the sense that you are here for a very different reason. You talk at us instead of with us a lot of time (at least, that's how it seems anyway).
If I'm wrong (and I certainly hope that I am), then I have a suggestion that should go a long way towards turning your communication problem with us around 1. listen/consider carefully the questions that people ask you, and then 2. go ahead and answer them ~directly~ rather than pretending that they don't exist, trying to disregard them by talking your way around them, and/or by changing the subject.
p.s. - you may also want to consider easing back a bit on all of the judgment and condemnation. Perhaps you've already heard, but the job of "accuser of the brethren" was filled a few millennia ago by Satan and, quite frankly, he seems to be doing a bang-up job without your help
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