What is the bible?

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    If you are a Christian and need encouragement and fellowship, we're here for you! If you are not a Christian but interested in knowing more about Jesus our Lord, you're also welcome! Want to know what the Bible says, and how you can apply it to your life? Join us!

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Dec 22, 2009
Ramon the scriptures testify about Jesus..contains His very words... You site scripture of isaiah why? how dare you site scripture and not what Jesus has now spoken to your heart...what? you refer to the scriptures because it is Gods word?..yeah..it is Gods word and worth refering too..

this is whats being argued..the value and worth of the scriptures..no ones placed scripture over the Lord..scriptures are about the Lord and are valuable.Go re-read the thread it is vw who has lessened the scriptures value not the other way around where people have elevated the scriptures above the Lord.
No, that is not what is being argued. That is what you hear in words that call us to open our hearts to the voice of the Son of God. You believe that He has spoken, and He has, but that in no way says that He is not speaking today. His sheep hear His voice. And His voice is not the bible. His voice is the Holy Spirit, whom you have denied.


another lie not what i said at all


Not all of the prophets recognized even in ancient times. Even Christ was not recognized by many! Is it any wonder if they now can not be accepted! The prophet does not necessarily herald the future or can guess what you did today! Prophet builds the church by talking from God. We can say that all those who say today - all the prophets. And you zone, too, as you say very much, you are also a prophet! But what status you are a prophet is another question.
A prophet is anyone claiming to have the Holy Spirit inside them and that spirit promotes them to speak.(that is how the BIBLE defines prophecy: speaking under the influence of the Holy Spirit)

If think you are able to discern between true and false doctrine and SPEAK to other people about it then you are trying to speak for God. Zone you said that you can tell the difference between true and false doctrine. How is that? Through YOUR research and study?

Well that is not what the Bible says, it should be through the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT who lives inside of you who will unveil scripture for those who truly seek it with a WHOLE HEART.

I think that is the problem. I don't agree with the doctrine you have been taught because it goes against the words of the BIBLE, yet you deny to explain rationally and logically key points of scripture. Instead you ignore them.

"fun" versus "weary"

You twist my words to suit your purposes and do not answer and address anything.

"demon busting?" you act like I haven't already told you that GOD removes DEMONS. All you have to do is pray and the Holy Spirit will do it. No flashy show needed and you are there to speak the words of salvation into their life and get them to understand how GOD has saved them and how they need to confess their sins and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. God has planted the seed of grace when He removed the demons, now He asks His people to help it water and grow. through the reading of the Holy Bible and prayer.

Again what is your answer to Romans 12 or would you like to ignore that scripture along with so many?

Spiritual gifts didn't cease,do you see God face to face and know Him as He knows you?

that is what Paul calls PERFECT and when knowledge, prophecy and tongues

1 Corinthians 13

The Greatest Gift

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

DO you know as you also are known? and what about Romans 12 which list prophecy along with ministry, giving, teaching, etc?

Do you ignore those scriptures too because you don't like how they fit in your man made doctrines?
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No, that is not what is being argued. That is what you hear in words that call us to open our hearts to the voice of the Son of God. You believe that He has spoken, and He has, but that in no way says that He is not speaking today. His sheep hear His voice. And His voice is not the bible. His voice is the Holy Spirit, whom you have denied.
Since the Bible is the word of God (it calls itself that) and it was written by the Holy Spirit. It is God's voice given to us. You deny this, thus you deny Gods word.

It would be like a president or world leader making a proclimation and putting it in writing with his seal. Anyone who reads this proclamation would be reading the literal words of the leader. Yet you would deny this was the leaders word at all, at least that is what you do when you deny the words of scripture are the words of God.


Dec 22, 2009
Since the Bible is the word of God (it calls itself that) and it was written by the Holy Spirit. It is God's voice given to us. You deny this, thus you deny Gods word.

It would be like a president or world leader making a proclimation and putting it in writing with his seal. Anyone who reads this proclamation would be reading the literal words of the leader. Yet you would deny this was the leaders word at all, at least that is what you do when you deny the words of scripture are the words of God.
In other words, since we have the bible, we do not need the Holy Spirit, nor do we need the voice of Jesus. That is the lie that I deny.


In other words, since we have the bible, we do not need the Holy Spirit, nor do we need the voice of Jesus. That is the lie that I deny.
well we need the HS to help us understand the words. And we have the voice of Jesus in his word. Yet he can also talk to us outside his word. he just will not contradict his word which are in scripture.

You deny scripture is the word of God, that is a lie I deny!


The Bible is the Word of God. It is the revelation of God. It is truth.
Through life experiences, inspiration, and direct communication with Angels, imperfect men were ordained by God to write the Bible under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Through prophecy and supernatural signs, these writings were vindicated by God as truth.
The Bible does not contradict itself, but is a unified story of God dealing with mankind, instruction for us to live by, and an invitation to heaven. It is therefore important to look to the full text of scripture in order to understand the application of the scripture today. As the Bible was written over hundreds of years by the direction of the eternal God, its instruction also transcends cultural and political influences.

God Bless all.


Dec 22, 2009
The Bible is the Word of God. It is the revelation of God. It is truth.
Through life experiences, inspiration, and direct communication with Angels, imperfect men were ordained by God to write the Bible under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Through prophecy and supernatural signs, these writings were vindicated by God as truth.
The Bible does not contradict itself, but is a unified story of God dealing with mankind, instruction for us to live by, and an invitation to heaven. It is therefore important to look to the full text of scripture in order to understand the application of the scripture today. As the Bible was written over hundreds of years by the direction of the eternal God, its instruction also transcends cultural and political influences.

God Bless all.
Yes, it is all of these things.

It does not replace God.

In Christ


Yes, it is all of these things.

It does not replace God.

In Christ
No one stated it did. It is God (his words)

I sm not sure where you get people think it replaces God.


Dec 22, 2009
well we need the HS to help us understand the words. And we have the voice of Jesus in his word. Yet he can also talk to us outside his word. he just will not contradict his word which are in scripture.

You deny scripture is the word of God, that is a lie I deny!
You say that I do this. I have never denied that the bible is inspired by God, nor that it is from God. That it is God's word. I have never denied this and I never will deny this.

You just don't like that I look to the Holy Spirit for all of my understanding and for all of my guidance and for all of my truth. Because you look to the bible for all of these things.

But I would rather follow God who lives in me than the writings of His words that I have in my hand. I can misunderstand the bible, (I did for years, and lived in sin which I excused with the bible,) but it is very hard to misunderstand the Spirit, unless we become hard of hearing and hard of heart.


Dec 22, 2009
No one stated it did. It is God (his words)

I sm not sure where you get people think it replaces God.
See, you just said that it is God.

God is not contained in a book. His word are in the bible. And as He is everywhere all the time, He is in the bible in the same sense. But to say that the bible is God, because it is His word is false. And this believe leads to denying the Holy Spirit His place in the life of the believer.


Dec 22, 2009
I have to leave not, and will be back this afternoon. Try not to attribute to many false things to me.


See, you just said that it is God.

God is not contained in a book. His word are in the bible. And as He is everywhere all the time, He is in the bible in the same sense. But to say that the bible is God, because it is His word is false. And this believe leads to denying the Holy Spirit His place in the life of the believer.
This is where I have such a problem with your belief. If the word of God are HIS WORDS. then they are the same as him being here in person telling you everything written in his word. Thus it is equal with him.

If I was a leader. I could do two things if I wanted to tell you something. I could tell yoiu in person. Or write you a letter. Both hold the same authority as being from me, They are equal.

The other thing I have a problem with is you hold the Bible lower than God speaking to you directly in person through the Spirit. Yet this would be no different than him writing down the words to you. Which he did in his word.



The Logos is the Word of God, and is the first manifestation of God from eternity. The Logos created the world, appeared to Adam as the "voice of the LORD God", to Moses as the burning bush, to John the Baptist as a dove descending on Jesus, and to Paul as a great shining light. As the Word of God, the Logos is the Bible - both the promises, and the manifestations.
The Logos is the Father of the Son of God, and the Spirit of Christ Jesus. Jesus came from God, and went back to God (John 13:3). The meaning of this is revealed in the book of Acts, when the Pillar of Fire (the same Logos that met Moses) said to Paul: "I am Jesus whom thou persecutest" (Acts 9:3-6). Jesus had come from God (the Logos), and descended into Adam's race to become the Son of God and Son of Man. After his resurrection, Jesus returned to Heaven, to the glory that he had with the Father before the world was. Jesus, the Word made flesh, once again became the Word made Spirit, the Logos. The Word once again was made flesh on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended, and tongues of fire appeared over 120 disciples waiting for the promise of the Father.

God bless


The Bible is the Word of God. It is the revelation of God. It is truth.
Through life experiences, inspiration, and direct communication with Angels, imperfect men were ordained by God to write the Bible under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Through prophecy and supernatural signs, these writings were vindicated by God as truth.
The Bible does not contradict itself, but is a unified story of God dealing with mankind, instruction for us to live by, and an invitation to heaven. It is therefore important to look to the full text of scripture in order to understand the application of the scripture today. As the Bible was written over hundreds of years by the direction of the eternal God, its instruction also transcends cultural and political influences.

God Bless all.
Hasn't the bible contradicted itself? Abraham was not perfect. Not all of the witnesses of the gospels were not perfect, because one man perceived of something more or less than another. What about the testimonies of the disciples? What about the situation where Paul was blinded where one account is that the men nearby heard, and the other that they saw? Isn't this a fair contradiction? Yet, are we to say the bible is less authoritative now? NO!

The gospels were witnessed accounts of the ministry of Jesus, also the ministry of the Holy Ghost. Some of it was written by 3rd party disciples, who would not have been there to witness the exact things that happened, so they took from sources to shape the scripture, which is no less true by that. So there IS contradiction in the bible, but there is NO contradiction in the Truth!!! This is why people can hear the words of Jesus, witnessed in the bible, and come away with NO TRUTH!! And how is this? Because the ground of their hearts are wicked!

The bible could be written with the language of God, and yet an evil man would twist the scriptures to his own liking. You take a beautiful revelation of Christ, put it in the hands of a self-righteous person, and they will turn it into condemnation, when it should be for edification. So, those who are of his body are not condemned.

We know that the Holy Spirit speaks through imperfect vessels, but that any word spoken from God, on behalf of God WILL BE DONE! NO MATTER HOW IMPERFECT THE PERSON IS!!

David, as imperfect as he was still was a part of the plan of the Lord, even the evil he did. Should his evil be well spoken of? NO!! But even evil things people have done are all for the sole purpose of the establishment of the kingdom of God. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS GOOD TO DO EVIL!! I would rather everyone be righteous in all.

JESUS IS PERFECT! HE IS TRUTH! HE GIVES LIFE! And the bible is not a witness of itself. It is a witness of Jesus Christ. So that if any man hears from man, and from the bible and from any witness or any servant of the Lord, and DOES NOT HEAR THE LORD! Then he has not heard the truth.

Jesus is the revelation of God. May Jesus bless you
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Hasn't the bible contradicted itself? Abraham was not perfect. Not all of the witnesses of the gospels were not perfect, because one man perceived of something more or less than another. What about the testimonies of the disciples? What about the situation where Paul was blinded where one account is that the men nearby heard, and the other that they saw? Isn't this a fair contradiction? Yet, are we to say the bible is no less authoritative now? NO!
What? The bible does not state Abraham was perfect. Nore that thw witnesses were perfect. There is no contradictions in anything you said. So if this is your only reason for discounting scripture. I hope you Rethink your position.


VW has told to you the truth. When we go with the Christ we define first of all a voice by having of skill. And sense of speech takes the second place. In the spirituall world important who speaks, instead of that what he speaks! This definition of a source. It is experience of circulation with the Christ. Not many have reached such level. If we concern the Bible too objectively the self-satisfied knowledge of the Writings does us independent of the Live Christ. The writing shows ways of God, opens God, or is the certificate on to Whom we should go! The knowledge of Live God irrespective of the Writings is the highest level.


Dec 22, 2009
This is where I have such a problem with your belief. If the word of God are HIS WORDS. then they are the same as him being here in person telling you everything written in his word. Thus it is equal with him.

If I was a leader. I could do two things if I wanted to tell you something. I could tell yoiu in person. Or write you a letter. Both hold the same authority as being from me, They are equal.

The other thing I have a problem with is you hold the Bible lower than God speaking to you directly in person through the Spirit. Yet this would be no different than him writing down the words to you. Which he did in his word.
You are welcome to your belief.

God is the bible. Fine, I understand how you believe. Actually, I understood this a while ago.


Dec 22, 2009
What? The bible does not state Abraham was perfect. Nore that thw witnesses were perfect. There is no contradictions in anything you said. So if this is your only reason for discounting scripture. I hope you Rethink your position.
Now see, Ramon did not discount scripture, not in any way. He just does not think that scripture is God. And he is right.


Hasn't the bible contradicted itself? Abraham was not perfect. Not all of the witnesses of the gospels were not perfect, because one man perceived of something more or less than another. What about the testimonies of the disciples? What about the situation where Paul was blinded where one account is that the men nearby heard, and the other that they saw? Isn't this a fair contradiction? Yet, are we to say the bible is less authoritative now? NO!

The gospels were witnessed accounts of the ministry of Jesus, also the ministry of the Holy Ghost. Some of it was written by 3rd party disciples, who would not have been there to witness the exact things that happened, so they took from sources to shape the scripture, which is no less true by that. So there IS contradiction in the bible, but there is NO contradiction in the Truth!!! This is why people can hear the words of Jesus, witnessed in the bible, and come away with NO TRUTH!! And how is this? Because the ground of their hearts are wicked!

The bible could be written with the language of God, and yet an evil man would twist the scriptures to his own liking. You take a beautiful revelation of Christ, put it in the hands of a self-righteous person, and they will turn it into condemnation, when it should be for edification. So, those who are of his body are not condemned.

We know that the Holy Spirit speaks through imperfect vessels, but that any word spoken from God, on behalf of God WILL BE DONE! NO MATTER HOW IMPERFECT THE PERSON IS!!

David, as imperfect as he was still was a part of the plan of the Lord, even the evil he did. Should his evil be well spoken of? NO!! But even evil things people have done are all for the sole purpose of the establishment of the kingdom of God. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS GOOD TO DO EVIL!! I would rather everyone be righteous in all.

JESUS IS PERFECT! HE IS TRUTH! HE GIVES LIFE! And the bible is not a witness of itself. It is a witness of Jesus Christ. So that if any man hears from man, and from the bible and from any witness or any servant of the Lord, and DOES NOT HEAR THE LORD! Then he has not heard the truth.

Jesus is the revelation of God. May Jesus bless you

I didn't say Abraham or others was perfect. JESUS IS THE WORD AND VERY PERFECT as you said.
I don't know all the Bible and if I said I did, I would be a liar. But I do believe ALL OF IT. What I don't know I'll leave to the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit to reveal it. So Ill keep my faith in JESUS for HIS promise onto HIS ELECT! HIS SHEEP! HIS BRIDE!

'And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

'For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible.'

'He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out....his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognise a stranger's voice...' (John 10:3-5).

"This is why I told you that no-one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him." (John 6: 64-65).

The BIBLE will not be of any contradiction to the HOLY GHOST/HOLY SPIRIT filled BORN AGAIN ELECTED/SEED of GOD.

God Bless my Brother.
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