You are trying to interject scriptures that have nothing to do with this parable, and a person being a virgin does not automatically mean they have salvation.
To the contrary:
this parable is addressed to the disciples. It's not a lesson on "hell vs heaven."
Nonbelievers are not virgins nor slaves to the Lord.
It's easier to deny or discount something. On the affirmative or interpretive side, feel welcome to suggest why you think the Lord selected the word "virgins." When you have the time.
Jesus says clearly to the 5 foolish virgins He never knew them, which goes along with what Jesus said in Matthew 7:23.....If He says He never knew a person it means they do not have eternal life coming to them !!!!
To the contrary:
It depends on the context. Any word, including the word "know," derives its precise meaning and sense from the immediate context in which it is used. That's the way.............language works.
Mt 7:23 is also spoken to disciples about disciples. It is not to nor about unbelievers. Unbelievers don't call Him "Lord." Whoever calls Him "Lord" knows and has Him to that extent. "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
The ones in Mt 7 cast out demons in His name, and prophesy in His name. But He never acknowledged what they did. He never told them to do that specifically. That is the sense of the word "knew" there. Likewise in Mt 25. Paul said that he wanted to know the Lord. You read it. I assume. In Philippians 3. That is the same word. "Know." Since Paul was saved, why did he need to know the Lord? The answer is: because knowing the Lord is more than just being saved from eternal hell. Being born of God, as a child of just the start. The permanent, irrevocable, start. But still just the start. That's what we have to do: gain the Holy Spirit. And multiply the weights, the "talents," the Christ whom we've received. That's..........what Christians are accountable to their Lord. And He is serious. Both as a Bridegroom and a Lord.
It is a no-brainer that unbelievers don't know the Lord, that unbelievers aren't with the Lord for eternity. Nor for 1000 years.
That is not the message or thought of Mt 7 and 25.........nor of most of the Bible. The Bible is written to far mostly ABOUT believers.
As a side point, you've (properly, in this example) interjected the name "Jesus" into Mt 25. So then.........who are "virgins" to Jesus? Nonbelievers? Rejectors of Jesus? Those who don't believe into Christ are "already condemned," John 3. They don't need a parable warning that unless they get oil in their vessels (in addition to their lamps) then they are going to be lost.
Jesus is the Bridegroom. His people collectively are His Bride. Individually, we all are to be pure for Him, as His lovers.
Second notice how the scriptures you give say nothing about escaping the tribulation period, and Luke 17:33-37 is after the day of the Lord, not before.....
To the contrary:
"escape" is one of the actual words in Luke 21:36. It couldn't be clearer.
I prefer Jesus' words to yours, no matter how tougher (or not) they seem to be:
Be watchful at every time, beseeching that you would prevail to escape all these things which are about to happen and stand before the Son of Man.
Likewise with Revelation 3:10.
Because you have kept.....I will keep you out of the hour of trial, which is about to come....
In regards to your silly, non-reading of Luke 17 (no offence), 17:20-24 describes His coming.
Then 25 He digresses:
"But first He [the Son of Man] must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation."
Lol. Does that mean that the Son of Man's suffering happened AFTER His coming?
Please. The Bible is written normally and sanely. All you need to do is read it.
Then in 26 He returns to the topic of "the days of the Son of Man" in the future.
But DAYS of. Not the very moment of His return. But the days leading up to it. His coming, broadly, after all,
is as much as 3 1/2 years long. Depending on the context of the given verse.
"Even as it happened in the days of Noah, so wil l it be also in the days of the Son of Man."
They were eating, they were drinking....UNTIL the DAY in which Noah entered into the ark.
So Luke 17:26-28 is not about one day.
In conclusion for now, if you understand being "left" to be positive, then what does the mean? Believers are left on earth when the Lord returns, and not destroyed like Antichrist is?
Last of all once again Apostle Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2 that the man of sin has to be revealed first before the gathering takes place. The man of sin is not revealed tell the middle of the 7 years, not the beginning of it......
We agree that the man of sin is revealed in the middle of the last week.
(I am not one of those, like Nancy, who says the Tribulation is 7 years. To me it is clearly not 7 years.)
The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 years. It begins when the man of sin is revealed. In the middle of Daniel's last week.
Which coincides with the first rapture. That is, the first rapture at the end of this age. The firstfruits of Rev 14:1-5, the manchild of Rev 12:5. The vision in Revelation 7 of all those raptured to the heavens before the opening of the 7th seal.
OK, so your view is that only Jews will receive their Messiah, then?
No. But thanks for your thoughtful, "close," question.
The nation of Israel, which survives to the end, will be delivered physically and spiritually---being
justified and born again----at the end of the Tribulation, when about to be destroyed by Antichrist.
The sheep-nations will not be born of God. But will be "saved" and even "receive their Messiah" in the sense
that they take care of the left-behind Christians, and take care of Israel, and in so doing, actually take care of Christ.
As He says.
Whoever else who fears God and doesn't take the mark of the beast, per the angel's "eternal gospel" in Rev 14, will also "enter into eternal life" in the kingdom, as it's inhabitents (not as its kings). But Eternal Life will not enter into them
As for the Bride...she will have already experienced the wedding and stood before Christ to receive her rewards and will be coming with Him to close Tribulation and begin the Millennial Reign. Those who have received their messiah in the meantime will not be part of the Church or the Bride because they missed the wedding, but will be counted as the friends of the Bridegroom.
I guess we're kinda on the same page, roughly, there. In that I don't think there will be any (except the nation of Israel) who receive the Messiah in the way of rebirth, during the Tribulation. But I do consider that the Millenium, also, is a day-long wedding. Maybe we can compare verses on that, "marriage, wedding"